A campanha que nunca existiu: uma grande reportagem sobre a o PT nas eleições de 2018
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Oliveira, Alexa Meirelles de
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso teve como objetivo acompanhar as eleições do
ano de 2018 com o foco no Partido dos Trabalhadores, um dos maiores partidos do
país, que levou dois candidatos ao Executivo nos últimos doze anos. Com a prisão do
seu principal líder e articulador, o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, o cenário
das eleições no ano de 2018 ficou muito incerto. Isso, porque a legenda continuava
apostando na candidatura do petista e não admitia publicamente uma segunda opção
para lançar ao pleito (como o ex-prefeito de São Paulo, Fernando Haddad, ou o ex-
governador da Bahia, Jacques Wagner). Desta forma, a candidatura do ex-presidente
dependeu da autorização do TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral) – que a indeferiu em
setembro deste ano. A grande reportagem escrita para fins de obtenção do título de
bacharel em Jornalismo pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie acompanhou a
legenda ao longo do ano e discute todas as questões acerca de herança política, e os
motivos pelos quais diante do declínio de Lula, não houve um candidato com a sua
força que pudesse fazer frente à oposição.
This Course Conclusion Project had as goal following the 2018 elections with the focus on the Workers' Party, one of the largest parties in the country, which has led two candidates to the Executive over the last twelve years. With the arrest of its main leader and articulator, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the scenario of the elections in the year 2018 was very uncertain. This, because the legend kept betting on the Lula’s candidacy and did not publicly admit a second option to launch the suit (as the former mayor of Sao Paulo, Fernando Haddad, or the former governor of Bahia, Jacques Wagner). Thus, the candidacy of the former president depended on the authorization of the TSE (Superior Electoral Court) – which was rejected in September this year. This report written for the purpose of obtaining a bachelor's degree in Journalism from Presbiterian Mackenzie University accompanied the legend throughout the year and discusses all the questions about political inheritance, and the reasons why, in the face of Lula's decline, there was no a candidate with his strength who could stand up to the opposition.
This Course Conclusion Project had as goal following the 2018 elections with the focus on the Workers' Party, one of the largest parties in the country, which has led two candidates to the Executive over the last twelve years. With the arrest of its main leader and articulator, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the scenario of the elections in the year 2018 was very uncertain. This, because the legend kept betting on the Lula’s candidacy and did not publicly admit a second option to launch the suit (as the former mayor of Sao Paulo, Fernando Haddad, or the former governor of Bahia, Jacques Wagner). Thus, the candidacy of the former president depended on the authorization of the TSE (Superior Electoral Court) – which was rejected in September this year. This report written for the purpose of obtaining a bachelor's degree in Journalism from Presbiterian Mackenzie University accompanied the legend throughout the year and discusses all the questions about political inheritance, and the reasons why, in the face of Lula's decline, there was no a candidate with his strength who could stand up to the opposition.
PT , partidos , Lula , Fernando Haddad , eleições , executivo , política , jornalismo , PT , parties , Lula , Fernando Haddad , elections , executive , politics , journalism