A prática do sharenting por influenciadores digitais: consequências da exposição da imagem da criança, prevenção e enfrentamento
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Oliveira, Ana Clara Pereira Silva Marques de
Junqueira, Michelle Asato
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo entender e analisar o surgimento do fenômeno
denominado sharenting, bem como a nova profissão de influenciadores digitais e as
consequências sociais e psicológicas a que estão sujeitas as crianças cujos pais, no
exercício dessa nova profissão, praticam o sharenting. Além disso, busca-se avaliar
quais são as possíveis formas de prevenção e enfrentamento dessa situação, desde
a atuação do Ministério Público, até a conscientização acerca dos direitos das
crianças e a educação digital. A metodologia utilizada para a elaboração deste artigo
foi a revisão bibliográfica multidisciplinar, com atenção especial para as áreas de
psicologia e comunicação, especialmente no tocante aos tópicos relacionados ao
surgimento dos influenciadores digitais e a consequência da exposição da imagem da
criança. Além disso, foram utilizadas algumas imagens e decisões com o objetivo de
ilustrar e trazer maior concretude ao trabalho. Dentre as conclusões, destaca-se o fato
de a falta de conscientização sobre os direitos das crianças está presente tanto na
sociedade e dentro dos núcleos familiares, quanto no próprio poder Judiciário. Ainda,
a educação digital como forma de prevenção deve incluir também os pais, a fim de
conscientizá-los a respeito dos direitos de seus filhos e do alcance de
compartilhamento de imagem.
The goal of this study is to understand and analyze the sharenting phenomenon, as well as the new profession called digital influencers and the psychological consequences suffered by children whose parents, during their digital influencer’s duties and occupation, practice sharenting. In addition, it seeks to assess possible alternatives to prevent and confront this situation, from the Public Prosecutor’s Office’s performance, to the awareness about children rights and digital education. The methodology used in this work was the multidisciplinary bibliographic review, with special attention to the areas of psychology and communication, especially considering the topics related to the digital influencer’s’ appearance and the consequences of child’s image exposure. Also, some images and legal decisions were used with the purpose of illustrate and add concreteness to this work. Among the conclusions, is possible to highlight the fact that the lack of awareness about children rights is present in the nuclear families, as well as in the Judiciary. Also, the digital education as a way of preventing this situation should include the parents, as a way to raise awareness about their children’s rights and the range of the sharing.
The goal of this study is to understand and analyze the sharenting phenomenon, as well as the new profession called digital influencers and the psychological consequences suffered by children whose parents, during their digital influencer’s duties and occupation, practice sharenting. In addition, it seeks to assess possible alternatives to prevent and confront this situation, from the Public Prosecutor’s Office’s performance, to the awareness about children rights and digital education. The methodology used in this work was the multidisciplinary bibliographic review, with special attention to the areas of psychology and communication, especially considering the topics related to the digital influencer’s’ appearance and the consequences of child’s image exposure. Also, some images and legal decisions were used with the purpose of illustrate and add concreteness to this work. Among the conclusions, is possible to highlight the fact that the lack of awareness about children rights is present in the nuclear families, as well as in the Judiciary. Also, the digital education as a way of preventing this situation should include the parents, as a way to raise awareness about their children’s rights and the range of the sharing.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2020
criança e adolescente , internet , exposição da imagem , influenciadores digitais , children and adolescents , image exposure , digital influencers , sharenting