Desigualdade de gênero e sua relação com a tributação de consumo
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Santos, Caroline Sousa
Paoli, Fulvia Helena de Gioia
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Este trabalho examina a interseção entre desigualdade de gênero e tributação de consumo,
destacando o impacto desproporcional das práticas tributárias sobre mulheres. Inicia-se com
uma análise dos princípios constitucionais tributários — seletividade, capacidade contributiva
e igualdade — para entender como eles podem tanto promover justiça fiscal quanto perpetuar
desigualdades de gênero. Posteriormente, investiga-se a manifestação da desigualdade de
gênero na tributação do consumo, explorando a diferenciação nos produtos essenciais para
mulheres e homens e como isso resulta em uma carga tributária maior para as mulheres. O
fenômeno da "Pink Tax", que representa custos adicionais injustificados em produtos
femininos, é discutido como um exemplo crítico dessa desproporcionalidade. A conclusão
busca responder se a estrutura atual da tributação de consumo fere o princípio da igualdade, e
quais são as perspectivas no futuro com a reforma tributária.
This paper examines the intersection between gender inequality and consumption taxation, highlighting the disproportionate impact of tax practices on women. It begins with an analysis of the constitutional principles of taxation—selectivity, ability to pay, and equality—to understand how they can both promote tax justice and perpetuate gender inequalities. Subsequently, the manifestation of gender inequality in consumption taxation is investigated, exploring the differentiation in essential products for women and men and how this results in a higher tax burden for women. The phenomenon of the "Pink Tax", which represents unjustified additional costs on feminine products, is discussed as a critical example of this disproportionality. The conclusion seeks to answer whether the current structure of consumption taxation violates the principle of equality, and what are the prospects for the future with the tax reform.
This paper examines the intersection between gender inequality and consumption taxation, highlighting the disproportionate impact of tax practices on women. It begins with an analysis of the constitutional principles of taxation—selectivity, ability to pay, and equality—to understand how they can both promote tax justice and perpetuate gender inequalities. Subsequently, the manifestation of gender inequality in consumption taxation is investigated, exploring the differentiation in essential products for women and men and how this results in a higher tax burden for women. The phenomenon of the "Pink Tax", which represents unjustified additional costs on feminine products, is discussed as a critical example of this disproportionality. The conclusion seeks to answer whether the current structure of consumption taxation violates the principle of equality, and what are the prospects for the future with the tax reform.
desigualdade , gênero , tributação , consumo , gender , inequality , taxation , consumption