Publicidade infantil e os youtubers mirins
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Fante, Bruna Marsulo
Chimenti, Ricardo Cunha
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Em razão do grande desenvolvimento tecnológico e da globalização, o acesso à informação se
tornou algo bastante acessível, sobretudo no mundo digital, tanto para os adultos, quanto para
as crianças e adolescentes. Desta forma, o público infantil também faz parte das relações de
consumo, são fortemente influenciadas pelas mensagens publicitárias e podem dar causa a essa
relação através de terceiros, como seus pais ou responsáveis. Com a grande exposição dos
pequenos frente à mídia, incluindo vídeos produzidos dentro do YouTube por outras crianças
(youtubers mirins), o presente trabalho visa averiguar como são realizadas as publicidades
direcionadas ao público infantil, principalmente, aquelas realizadas por meio da técnica
conhecida como merchandising; quais os limites da legislação em relação ao tema; e a forma
com que ocorre o controle desta questão para que os pequenos tenham a proteção necessária,
em virtude da sua suscetibilidade e vulnerabilidade reconhecidas pela Constituição Federal,
Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e Código Brasileiro de Autorregulamentação Publicitária,
sendo que o último é responsável por ditar os princípios éticos para que as empresas possam
realizar uma publicidade direcionada ao público infantil sem que seja considerada abusiva e,
consequentemente, ilícita. Ao final, será feita uma análise fática através do estudos de dois
casos que envolvem a publicidade infantil e a técnica de merchandising para demonstrar qual
o entendimento do Conar em relação ao tema e quais são as sanções para os agentes
veiculadores de mensagens publicitárias que fogem do que é estabelecido no Código Brasileiro
de Autorregulamentação Publicitária.
Due to the great technological development and globalization, access to information has become something very accessible, especially in the digital world, both for adults, children and adolescents. Thus, the child audience is also part of consumer relations, they are strongly influenced by advertising messages and can cause this relationship through third parties, such as their parents or guardians. With the great exposure of the children to the media, including videos produced on YouTube by other children (youtubers children), the present work aims to find out how the advertising directed to children is carried out, mainly those carried out through the technique known as merchandising; what are the limits of the legislation in relation to the theme; and the way in which control of this issue occurs so that the children have the necessary protection, due to their susceptibility and vulnerability recognized by the Federal Constitution, the Child and Adolescent Statute and the Brazilian Code of Advertising Self-Regulation, the latter being responsible for dictating ethical principles so that companies can carry out advertising aimed at children without being considered abusive and, consequently, illicit. In the end, a factual analysis will be made through the study of two cases involving children's advertising and the merchandising technique to demonstrate what Conar's understanding of the theme is and what are the sanctions for the agents that convey advertising messages that flee from what is established in the Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Code.
Due to the great technological development and globalization, access to information has become something very accessible, especially in the digital world, both for adults, children and adolescents. Thus, the child audience is also part of consumer relations, they are strongly influenced by advertising messages and can cause this relationship through third parties, such as their parents or guardians. With the great exposure of the children to the media, including videos produced on YouTube by other children (youtubers children), the present work aims to find out how the advertising directed to children is carried out, mainly those carried out through the technique known as merchandising; what are the limits of the legislation in relation to the theme; and the way in which control of this issue occurs so that the children have the necessary protection, due to their susceptibility and vulnerability recognized by the Federal Constitution, the Child and Adolescent Statute and the Brazilian Code of Advertising Self-Regulation, the latter being responsible for dictating ethical principles so that companies can carry out advertising aimed at children without being considered abusive and, consequently, illicit. In the end, a factual analysis will be made through the study of two cases involving children's advertising and the merchandising technique to demonstrate what Conar's understanding of the theme is and what are the sanctions for the agents that convey advertising messages that flee from what is established in the Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Code.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC
criança , publicidade , consumismo , vulnerabilidade , child , publicity , consumerism , vulnerability