Impactos dos art. 28 e 33 da lei de drogas 11.343
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Silva, Gustavo Cicero da
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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Trabalho realizado com o intuito de compreender as problemáticas envolvidas na superlotação dos presídios, através do viés jurídico. O crime escolhido para ilustrar essa questão foi o do tráfico de drogas, pois essa causa sintomática é uma das principais razões de encarceramento no Brasil.
A partir desta pauta, o escrito procurará englobar as raízes deste acontecimento.
Por se tratar de uma ciência humana, vale ressaltar que não cabe apenas à lei sua explicação plena, as questões sociais são de suma importância para o entendimento do tema apresentado. O direito acaba tendo que ser acionado ainda que, como esse excerto também demonstrará, os motivos correspondam, majoritariamente, a questões de caráter social.
Essa constatação será demonstrada e debatida com a análise de sentenças, uma vez que o juiz, sendo responsável por lei por julgar o processo, também faz parte dele e da cadeia de eventos que guiaram até o momento em questão. Por fim, a conclusão a ser obtida é de que não existe solução simples para uma problemática tão complexa, que não envolve só o direito, mas questões de saúde e sociais, entretanto a atual lei atrapalha e vai em contramão ao que inicialmente foi proposta ajudando com a lotação dos presídios devido a distinção mal feita sobre o usuário e o traficante.
This thesis was made with the aim of comprehending the issues of the overcrowding in penitentiaries, through the legal bias. The chosen crime to illustrate this matter was the drug trafficking, since this symptomatic cause is one of the main reasons of incarceration in Brazil. From this guideline, the writing will seek to encompass the roots of this event. As it is about a human science, it is worth mentioning it is not only up to the law to fully explain it,the social issues are of paramount importance for the understanding of the presented topic. The law ends up having to be called out, although as this text will also show, the reasons correspond, mostly, to social questions of social nature. This realization will be demonstrated and debated based on the sentences' analysis, once the judge, being responsible by law for judging the process, also is part of the chain of events that took the situation until this moment. Finally, the obtained conclusion is that there is no simple resolution to such a complex problem which does not involve only the law, but also social and health issues. However, the current law hinders and goes against what was initially proposed, contributing with the penitentiaries overcrowding due to the poor distinction done between the drug user and the drug trafficker.
This thesis was made with the aim of comprehending the issues of the overcrowding in penitentiaries, through the legal bias. The chosen crime to illustrate this matter was the drug trafficking, since this symptomatic cause is one of the main reasons of incarceration in Brazil. From this guideline, the writing will seek to encompass the roots of this event. As it is about a human science, it is worth mentioning it is not only up to the law to fully explain it,the social issues are of paramount importance for the understanding of the presented topic. The law ends up having to be called out, although as this text will also show, the reasons correspond, mostly, to social questions of social nature. This realization will be demonstrated and debated based on the sentences' analysis, once the judge, being responsible by law for judging the process, also is part of the chain of events that took the situation until this moment. Finally, the obtained conclusion is that there is no simple resolution to such a complex problem which does not involve only the law, but also social and health issues. However, the current law hinders and goes against what was initially proposed, contributing with the penitentiaries overcrowding due to the poor distinction done between the drug user and the drug trafficker.
lei 11.343/06 , polícia , crime , drogas , law 11.343/06 , police , crime , drug