Medidas socieducativas: um estudo da medida socieducativa de semiliberdade e suas repercussões sociais no cenário brasileiro
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Marques, Giovanna Cuevas Rodrigues
Maltez, Maria de Fátima do Monte
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Este trabalho será focado na análise prática do cumprimento da medida socioeducativa de
semiliberdade, nas suas vantagens e desvantagens, a partir de pesquisas de autores que se
dedicaram ao estudo in loco de adolescentes em cumprimento da medida de semiliberdade. Para
tanto, será feita uma breve abordagem sobre os direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes, bem
como da legislação pertinente, e logo após, uma análise prática do cumprimento da medida.
Com isso, o leitor conseguirá comparar o que temos hoje na teoria, os princípios, a legislação
vigente e o posicionamento doutrinário versus a realidade que se vê no cumprimento da medida,
ou seja, se os direitos dos adolescentes e os objetivos da medida socioeducativa são cumpridos.
This work will focus on the practical analysis of the fulfillment of the socio-educational measure of semi-freedom, on its advantages and disadvantages, based on research by authors who dedicated themselves to the study of adolescents in institutions of semi-freedom. For this purpose, I will do a brief explanation of the rights of children and adolescents, as well as the pertinent legislation, and right after, we will pass to the practical analysis of compliance. With this, the reader will be able to compare what we have today in theory, the principles, the laws and the current doctrines versus what happens in practice, if the rights of adolescents and the objectives of the socio-educational measure are met.
This work will focus on the practical analysis of the fulfillment of the socio-educational measure of semi-freedom, on its advantages and disadvantages, based on research by authors who dedicated themselves to the study of adolescents in institutions of semi-freedom. For this purpose, I will do a brief explanation of the rights of children and adolescents, as well as the pertinent legislation, and right after, we will pass to the practical analysis of compliance. With this, the reader will be able to compare what we have today in theory, the principles, the laws and the current doctrines versus what happens in practice, if the rights of adolescents and the objectives of the socio-educational measure are met.
medidas socioeducativas , semiliberdade , repercussões sociais , vantagens e desvantagens , socio-educational measures , semi-freedom , social repercussions , advantages and disadvantages