Proposição de um processo para adequação à lei geral de proteção de dados em uma agência de publicidade

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Reyes, Caetano Pereira de Melo Medina
Geron, Cecilia Moraes Santostaso
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Membros da banca
Formigoni, Henrique
Pinto, Alexandre Evaristo
Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais
Objective of the Work: To propose a new internal process for the collection and treatment of sensitive data used by the advertising agency studied to ensure compliance with Law 13.709 / 18. Methodology: Elaboration of an interventionist research, through an action research, because an intervention was made in the internal processes of the agency under study. Practical Implications: For social purposes, the research improves, through new processes, the protection and treatment of sensitive data of users of social networks and Internet search programs. Bearing in mind the financial purposes, it describes ways to avoid government sanctions, in the form of fines, for non-compliance with Law 13.709 / 18. The proposed new process may be replicated in other advertising agencies to beware of any future legal problems arising from non-compliance with the LGPD. Originality and Contributions: This is a relatively new topic in Brazil and the research carried out is a pioneer in the sector of study of this work, in this case the advertising. The originality is in the fact that this work is a pioneer in proposing processes within an advertising agency. The study contributed so that the legal sectors could have a guide on how to adapt processes seeking adequacy to the new law
LGPD , gestão de processos , pesquisa Intervencionista. , publicidade e propaganda
Assuntos Scopus
REYES, Caetano Pereira de Melo Medina. Proposição de um processo para adequação à lei geral de proteção de dados em uma agência de publicidade. 2021. 76 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.