Indicadores esg: relação entre o banco e seus stakeholders
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Cameia, Alfredo Muenecongo
Pioli, Arthur Teixeira
Silva, Laura Gabrielle Rodrigues da
Saporito, Rafael Athayde
Pioli, Arthur Teixeira
Silva, Laura Gabrielle Rodrigues da
Saporito, Rafael Athayde
Sá , Daniella Guimaraes Bergamini de
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Membros da banca
A sigla ESG, oriunda do inglês Environmental, Social and Governance, (Ambiental, social e governança), tornou-se uma pauta de grande relevância para a sociedade atual, muito discutida no mercado financeiro acerca de ações socioambientais dentro das instituições. Nesse contexto, essa pesquisa tem a finalidade de estudar o impacto dos indicadores ESG na relação entre o banco X com seus stakeholders e identificar quais os indicadores ambientais, sociais e de governança mais afetam tal relação. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória do tipo qualitativo, onde foi feito entrevistas com dois colaboradores que atuam diretamente ou indiretamente com a temática ESG no banco e posteriormente, foram interpretadas e comparadas com as informações contidas no relatório ESG do ano de 2021 divulgado pela instituição estudada. Diante dos resultados, pode-se concluir que as percepções individuais dos entrevistados vão de acordo com os dados divulgados no relatório da instituição, demonstrando assim, não só os esforços da instituição, mas também, sendo um sinal de que as exigências do mercado cada vez mais se distanciam dos paradigmas do passado em direção a um novo cenário com mais consciência socioambiental.
The acronym ESG, derived from Environmental, Social and Governance, has become an agenda of great relevance for today's society, much discussed in the financial market about social and environmental actions within institutions. In this context, this research aims to study the impact of ESG indicators on the relationship between bank X and its stakeholders and to identify which environmental, social and governance indicators most affect this relationship. To this end, an exploratory qualitative research was carried out, where interviews were conducted with two employees who work directly or indirectly with the ESG theme in the bank and, later, they were interpreted and compared with the information contained in the ESG report for the year 2021 released by the studied institution. Given the results, one can conclude that the individual perceptions of the interviewees are in accordance with the data disclosed in the institution's report, thus demonstrating not only the institution's efforts, but also being a sign that market demands are increasingly moving away from the paradigms of the past towards a new scenario with more socio-environmental awarenes.
The acronym ESG, derived from Environmental, Social and Governance, has become an agenda of great relevance for today's society, much discussed in the financial market about social and environmental actions within institutions. In this context, this research aims to study the impact of ESG indicators on the relationship between bank X and its stakeholders and to identify which environmental, social and governance indicators most affect this relationship. To this end, an exploratory qualitative research was carried out, where interviews were conducted with two employees who work directly or indirectly with the ESG theme in the bank and, later, they were interpreted and compared with the information contained in the ESG report for the year 2021 released by the studied institution. Given the results, one can conclude that the individual perceptions of the interviewees are in accordance with the data disclosed in the institution's report, thus demonstrating not only the institution's efforts, but also being a sign that market demands are increasingly moving away from the paradigms of the past towards a new scenario with more socio-environmental awarenes.
ESG , stakeholders , entrevista , relatório , ESG , stakeholders , interview , report