Pacto global da ONU: natureza jurídica e impactos à luz do caso DLA Piper
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Donário, Sofia Pereira Medeiros
Luís, Daniel Tavela
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O presente estudo teve por objetivo a análise do Pacto Global da ONU sob o recorte da violação aos direitos das mulheres, fator elucidado pelo caso utilizado para nortear o trabalho. Procurou-se averiguar aspectos formais do Pacto para posicioná-lo quanto a sua natureza jurídica e, assim, poder discorrer sobre seus eventuais impactos na sociedade internacional. Assim, foi observado o enquadramento do Pacto enquanto soft law, o que levou a uma ponderação sobre elementos condicionantes de seu real impacto.
The present study had the objective of analyzing the UN Global Compact under the scope of women’s rights violations, which is shown by the case used to guide the article. The Compact’s formal aspects were discussed in order to verify its juridical nature and, therefore, to stablish its impacts in the international society. As a result. It was observed that the Global Compact can be categorized as a soft law, which lead to ponderations about its impacts’ conditioning elements.
The present study had the objective of analyzing the UN Global Compact under the scope of women’s rights violations, which is shown by the case used to guide the article. The Compact’s formal aspects were discussed in order to verify its juridical nature and, therefore, to stablish its impacts in the international society. As a result. It was observed that the Global Compact can be categorized as a soft law, which lead to ponderations about its impacts’ conditioning elements.
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pacto global da ONU , direitos humanos , direitos humanos e empresas , direito internacional público , UN global compact , human rights , business and human rights , public international law