Cuete cavinguero tá injirando língua da Tabatinga – uma história de resistência por meio da fala
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Vaz, Maria Catarina Mazzitello Chaib Jorge
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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A Língua da Tabatinga, ou Língua do Negro da Costa, é um dialeto de origem banta
falado pela comunidade do Quilombo Carrapatos da Tabatinga, localizado no atual
bairro Ana Rosa, na cidade mineira de Bom Despacho. Na época da escravidão, era
utilizada como um código entre os negros para que os feitores não os entendessem.
O objetivo desse trabalho é desenvolver um documentário sobre a relação do dialeto
com as pessoas nos dias de hoje. Entender a força representativa que essa língua
tem na história dos habitantes do bairro. Para isso, lança mão de uma apuração
jornalística que envolve pesquisa histórica sobre a ocupação negra no estado de
Minas Gerais e seus desdobramentos socioculturais que contextualizam a origem da
Língua da Tabatinga. Também se apoia em métodos de construção de um projeto
de história oral, em que a entrevista tem um papel fundamental, e em elaboração de
documentário etnográfico, cuja pergunta essencial diz respeito a como representar o
outro de forma ética. O projeto representa um registro de uma tradição que está se
perdendo pelo desinteresse, e desconhecimento, da nova geração. É um resgate de
um jornalismo cultural que se propõe a olhar para a manifestação dessa cultura
popular e entende-la como fundamental para a luta dos povos africanos, e seus
descendentes, contra todas as injustiças de caráter social, político e econômico
praticadas por um país de base escravocrata, como o Brasil.
The Tabatinga Language, or Black Language of the Coast, is a Bantu dialect spoken by the community of Quilombo Carrapatos da Tabatinga, located in the current neighborhood Ana Rosa, in the city of Bom Despacho, Minas Gerais. At the time of slavery, it was used as a code among blacks so the overseers could not understand them. The purpose of this project is to develop a documentary about the relationship of the dialect with people nowadays. Understand the representative strength that this language has in the history of neighborhood inhabitants. For this, it uses a journalistic investigation that involves history research on the black occupation in the state of Minas Gerais and its sociocultural development that contextualize the origin of the Tabatinga Language. It also relies on methods of constructing an oral history project, in which the interview plays a fundamental role, as well as the elaboration of an ethnographic documentary, whose essential question is how to represent the other ethically. The project represents a record of a tradition that has being lost by the disinterest, and ignorance, of the new generation. It is a rescue of a cultural journalism that aims to look at the manifestation of this popular culture and to understand it as fundamental to the fight of the African peoples and their descendants against all the social, political and economic injustices practiced by a slavery basis country, like Brazil.
The Tabatinga Language, or Black Language of the Coast, is a Bantu dialect spoken by the community of Quilombo Carrapatos da Tabatinga, located in the current neighborhood Ana Rosa, in the city of Bom Despacho, Minas Gerais. At the time of slavery, it was used as a code among blacks so the overseers could not understand them. The purpose of this project is to develop a documentary about the relationship of the dialect with people nowadays. Understand the representative strength that this language has in the history of neighborhood inhabitants. For this, it uses a journalistic investigation that involves history research on the black occupation in the state of Minas Gerais and its sociocultural development that contextualize the origin of the Tabatinga Language. It also relies on methods of constructing an oral history project, in which the interview plays a fundamental role, as well as the elaboration of an ethnographic documentary, whose essential question is how to represent the other ethically. The project represents a record of a tradition that has being lost by the disinterest, and ignorance, of the new generation. It is a rescue of a cultural journalism that aims to look at the manifestation of this popular culture and to understand it as fundamental to the fight of the African peoples and their descendants against all the social, political and economic injustices practiced by a slavery basis country, like Brazil.
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dialeto , documentário , cultura , jornalismo , Tabatinga , dialect , documentary , culture , journalism , Tabatinga