Bolsa família e direito ao desenvolvimento: os impactos no nordeste a partir de 2016
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Freitas, Iran Teixeira Moraes Amaro de
Soares, Alessandro de Oliveira
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O presente artigo analisa o Programa Bolsa Família, o que é Direito ao
Desenvolvimento e a região nordeste do Brasil. E traz, com base em dados, uma perspectiva
negativa aos eventos ocorridos a partir de 2016. Esses eventos, foram detalhadamente
discutidos no programa Uma ponte para o futuro. E é sobretudo, com base nesse programa, que
está a causa dos cortes no programa sob o pretexto de transparência nas políticas públicas. O
“pente fino” tem sido usado para justificar a radicalidade nos cortes e nas enormes filas. O que
se observa é um fluxo intenso de pessoas que estão voltando para a extrema pobreza.
The present article analysis of the Bolsa Família Program, which is the Right to Development and the Northeast Region of Brazil. It brings, based on data, a negative outlook for events that took place in 2016. These events were discussed in detail in the program A bridge to the future. It is mainly, based on this program, that it causes cuts in the program under the pretext of transparency in public policies. The "sift through" was used to justify radicalism in the cut off and in the long lines. What you see is an intense flow of people who are returning to extreme poverty.
The present article analysis of the Bolsa Família Program, which is the Right to Development and the Northeast Region of Brazil. It brings, based on data, a negative outlook for events that took place in 2016. These events were discussed in detail in the program A bridge to the future. It is mainly, based on this program, that it causes cuts in the program under the pretext of transparency in public policies. The "sift through" was used to justify radicalism in the cut off and in the long lines. What you see is an intense flow of people who are returning to extreme poverty.
bolsa família , direito , desenvolvimento , nordeste , right , development , northeast