Princípio da insignificância e a possibilidade de sua aplicação ao réu reincidente: análise do entendimento jurisprudencial do Supremo Tribunal Federal
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Brito, Isaac Davyd Gonçalves
Brito, Alexis Augusto Couto de
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O presente artigo aborda o princípio da insignificância e seus aspectos mais
relevantes, trazendo de maneira sucinta sua origem histórica, seus princípios fundantes, sua
natureza jurídica bem como seu reconhecimento no direito penal pátrio, limitando nossa
análise ao âmbito do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Trabalharemos também o instituto da
reincidência criminal com o fito de introduzir os elementos mais importantes para a discussão
central do trabalho, qual seja, a possibilidade da aplicação do princípio da bagatela em
situações onde se faz presente a reincidência criminal. Limita-se ainda a análise à
jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, expondo os requisitos objetivos e subjetivos
instituídos pela nossa corte constitucional no que tange ao reconhecimento do crime bagatelar.
Por fim, são apresentados recentes julgados relacionados ao tema central dessa discussão, a
partir dos quais são analisados os argumentos apontados pela suprema corte brasileira,
concluindo-se que, embora importante a evidente aceitação desse instrumento de política
criminal pelo STF, este incorre em equívoco ao afastar sua aplicação em casos com réu
reincidente, regredindo ao que pode ser chamado de direito penal do autor.
This article discusses the principle of insignificance and its most relevant aspects, summarizing its historical origin, its founding principles, its legal nature as well as its recognition in national criminal law, limiting our analysis to the scope of the Brazilian legal system. This article also discusses the criminal recidivism institute, in order to introduce the most important elements of the central discussion of this article: the possibility of applying the principle of insignificance in situations where criminal recidivism is present. Furthermore, this article is also limited to analyzing the precedents of Federal Supreme Court, in order to expose the objective and subjective requirements instituted by our constitutional court regarding the recognition of principle of insignificance. Finally, we present the most recent judgments related to the central theme of this discussion, followed by an analysis of the arguments raised by the Brazilian supreme court, concluding that, although it is important for the Federal Supreme Court to accept this criminal policy instrument, the court commits a misunderstanding when removing its application in cases where the defendant is a repeat offender, regressing to what can be called the criminal law of the plaintiff.
This article discusses the principle of insignificance and its most relevant aspects, summarizing its historical origin, its founding principles, its legal nature as well as its recognition in national criminal law, limiting our analysis to the scope of the Brazilian legal system. This article also discusses the criminal recidivism institute, in order to introduce the most important elements of the central discussion of this article: the possibility of applying the principle of insignificance in situations where criminal recidivism is present. Furthermore, this article is also limited to analyzing the precedents of Federal Supreme Court, in order to expose the objective and subjective requirements instituted by our constitutional court regarding the recognition of principle of insignificance. Finally, we present the most recent judgments related to the central theme of this discussion, followed by an analysis of the arguments raised by the Brazilian supreme court, concluding that, although it is important for the Federal Supreme Court to accept this criminal policy instrument, the court commits a misunderstanding when removing its application in cases where the defendant is a repeat offender, regressing to what can be called the criminal law of the plaintiff.
direito penal , princípio da insignificância , reincidência criminal , criminal law , insignificance principle , criminal recidivism