Juiz das garantias e o princípio do juiz natural: lei nº 13.964/2019
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Meirelles, Maria Eugênia Vilela
Lopes, Mariângela Tomé
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A introdução do juiz das garantias ao sistema processual penal brasileiro por meio da Lei
13.964/2019 constitui um dos aspectos mais polêmicos e discutidos de todo o chamado Pacote
Anticrime. Conforme tipificado na citada lei, incumbe ao juiz das garantias a responsabilidade
pela salvaguarda dos direitos individuais do investigado e pelo controle da legalidade da
investigação, restando sua atuação limitada à fase de inquérito policial. A implementação do
instituto em tela representa uma incontestável inovação no sentido de aproximar o processo
penal brasileiro do modelo acusatório. As discussões com base em sua criação se dão
principalmente em razão de sua inegável relação com a garantia de imparcialidade do
magistrado e o princípio do juiz natural. A separação estipulada por meio da criação do juiz das
garantias entre a atuação do magistrado na fase de inquérito e na fase processual visa
precisamente assegurar o respeito dos direitos do investigado e a imparcialidade do julgador
que proferirá a sentença. A figura de um magistrado com atuação restrita à fase investigativa
não é uma inovação brasileira, estando presente na maioria dos países europeus e da américa
latina que adotam um sistema processual penal acusatório. Cortes Internacionais como o
Tribunal Europeu e Direitos Humanos tratam do tema por meio de suas jurisprudências e
confirmam a importância da divisão de funções dos julgadores na fase investigativa e
processual. A concretização do juiz das garantias no cenário brasileiro resta cercada de
questionamentos sobre sua possível inconstitucionalidade e a viabilidade de implementação,
sendo um tema cujo estudo é de extrema relevância no contexto atual.
The introduction of the guarantee judge in the Brazilian criminal procedure by means of the Law nº 13.964/2019 constitutes one of the most controversial and discussed aspects from “Anti crime Package”. According to the law above mentioned, the guarantee judge is responsible for safeguarding the inquired person’s individual rights and for controling the legality of the criminal investigation. This judge’s actuation is limited to the preliminary investigation phase. The implementation of the new legal institute represents an unquestionable inovation that aproximates the Brazilian criminal procedure to the adversarial system. The discussions surrounding its creation are mainly due to the relation among the imparciality of the judge and the natural judge constitutional principle. Separating the performance of the magistrate in the inquiry phase to the processual phase aims to ensure the respect the inquired persons’s rights and the judge’s imparciality. The juridical figure of a magistrate whose operation is restricted to the preliminary investigation phase is not a Brazilian innovation, being also present in most of the Europeans and Latin America countries that adopt an adversarial system. International Courts as the European Court of Human Rights approach the subject through their jurisprudence and confirm the importance to divide the work of the judges in the investigation and processual phase. The implementation of the guarantee judge in Brazil is surrounded by questions about its possible unconstitutionality and implementation feasibility, and thats why it is so important to be studied nowadays.
The introduction of the guarantee judge in the Brazilian criminal procedure by means of the Law nº 13.964/2019 constitutes one of the most controversial and discussed aspects from “Anti crime Package”. According to the law above mentioned, the guarantee judge is responsible for safeguarding the inquired person’s individual rights and for controling the legality of the criminal investigation. This judge’s actuation is limited to the preliminary investigation phase. The implementation of the new legal institute represents an unquestionable inovation that aproximates the Brazilian criminal procedure to the adversarial system. The discussions surrounding its creation are mainly due to the relation among the imparciality of the judge and the natural judge constitutional principle. Separating the performance of the magistrate in the inquiry phase to the processual phase aims to ensure the respect the inquired persons’s rights and the judge’s imparciality. The juridical figure of a magistrate whose operation is restricted to the preliminary investigation phase is not a Brazilian innovation, being also present in most of the Europeans and Latin America countries that adopt an adversarial system. International Courts as the European Court of Human Rights approach the subject through their jurisprudence and confirm the importance to divide the work of the judges in the investigation and processual phase. The implementation of the guarantee judge in Brazil is surrounded by questions about its possible unconstitutionality and implementation feasibility, and thats why it is so important to be studied nowadays.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2020.
juiz das garantias , imparcialidade , juiz natural , processo penal , guarantee judge , imparciality , natural judge , criminal procedure