O setor de saneamento básico no Brasil : um estudo sobre a prestação do serviço pela SABESP e pelo SAAE(Serviço Autônomo de Água e Esgoto) do município de Amparo-SP
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Pavia, João Gustavo
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Saneamento Básico pode ser entendido como o conjunto de medidas que visam preservar ou modificar condições do meio ambiente com a finalidade de prevenir doenças e promover a saúde. Vários indicadores do setor de saneamento básico brasileiro registraram evolução positiva nos últimos anos. Houve crescimento do nível de atendimento da população, do faturamento e da receita, entre outros. Apesar do avanço do saneamento básico do País nos últimos anos, ainda são grandes as carências do setor. Este trabalho se propõe a responder à seguinte pergunta: Qual a melhor alternativa dentre, o SAAE e a SABESP, para alcançar a meta da universalização no setor de saneamento básico no município de Amparo-SP? Para responder esta questão, este trabalho descreverá a prestação do serviço de saneamento básico pela SABESP nos municípios concedidos para esta, e pelo SAAE (Serviço autônomo de água e esgoto) do município de Amparo-SP. Desta forma, será desenvolvido um estudo de viabilidade econômico-financeira para o município de Amparo-SP, e após isto, será comparado as empresas, SAAE e a Sabesp, pelo método de fluxo de caixa descontado. Os resultados obtidos permitirão avaliar qual destas empresas, será mais eficiente na execução dos investimentos e prestação de serviços para este projeto, e outras atividades relacionadas ao setor de saneamento no município de Amparo-SP.
Basic Sanitation can be understood as a set of measures to preserve or modify the environmental conditions in order to prevent disease and promote health. Several indicators of the Brazilian sanitation sector registered a positive trend in recent years. There was growth in the level of care to the population, billing and revenue, among others. Despite the progress of sanitation in the country in recent years, are still major shortcomings in the industry. This study aims to answer the following question: What is the best alternative among the SAAE and SABESP to achieve the goal of universalization of basic sanitation sector in Amparo-SP? To answer this question, this study describes the provision of basic sanitation in the cities SABESP awarded for this, and the SAAE Service (Self-contained water and sewage) in the city of Amparo-SP. Thus, we will develop a feasibility study for the economic and financial city of Amparo, SP, and thereafter, will be matched firms, and Sabesp SAAE by the method of discounted cash flow. The results will assess which of these companies will be more efficient in making investments and providing services for this project and other activities related to the sanitation sector in Amparo-SP.
Basic Sanitation can be understood as a set of measures to preserve or modify the environmental conditions in order to prevent disease and promote health. Several indicators of the Brazilian sanitation sector registered a positive trend in recent years. There was growth in the level of care to the population, billing and revenue, among others. Despite the progress of sanitation in the country in recent years, are still major shortcomings in the industry. This study aims to answer the following question: What is the best alternative among the SAAE and SABESP to achieve the goal of universalization of basic sanitation sector in Amparo-SP? To answer this question, this study describes the provision of basic sanitation in the cities SABESP awarded for this, and the SAAE Service (Self-contained water and sewage) in the city of Amparo-SP. Thus, we will develop a feasibility study for the economic and financial city of Amparo, SP, and thereafter, will be matched firms, and Sabesp SAAE by the method of discounted cash flow. The results will assess which of these companies will be more efficient in making investments and providing services for this project and other activities related to the sanitation sector in Amparo-SP.
Saneamento básico , SAAE , Sabesp , Município de Amparo-SP