Responsabilidade civil: a teoria da perda de uma chance desenvolvida na seara médica
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Barros, Matheus Oliveira de
Marineli, Marcelo Romão
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Este artigo tem como tema central o estudo da Responsabilidade Civil em relação ao Erro Médico com foco na teoria da perda de uma chance. Para isso, antes de adentrar propriamente no tema, temos que fazer algumas abordagens necessárias, como na primeira parte que será algumas noções gerais da responsabilidade civil, como conceito, pressupostos, espécies, a diferença da responsabilidade Subjetiva da Objetiva; Contratual e Extracontratual. A Teoria da perda de uma chance e todo seu conteúdo, sendo evolução histórica, conceito, adequação no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro terá seu enfoque na segunda parte do presente trabalho, seguido pela terceira parte apresentando o erro médico, juntamente com sua evolução histórica, sua natureza jurídica, obrigação de meio e de resultado, dano moral e estético, a aplicabilidade da teoria da perda de uma chance no erro médica e a teoria de sobrevivência ou cura, finalizando com a quantificação da indenização de uma perda.
This article has as its central theme the study of Civil Liability in relation to Medical Error with a focus on the theory of the loss of a chance. For this, before going into the subject properly, we have to open up some possibilities, as in the first part, which will be some general notions of civil liability, such as concept, assumptions, species, different from the Objective's and Subjective responsibility; Contractual and Non-Contractual. The theory of the loss of a chance and all its content, being historical evolution, concept, adequacy in the Brazilian legal system will focus on the second part of the present article, followed by the third part of the medical error, together with its historical evolution, its legal nature , obligation of means and result, moral and aesthetic damage, the applicability of the theory of the loss of a chance in medical error and the theory of survival or cure, ending with the quantification of the compensation of a loss.
This article has as its central theme the study of Civil Liability in relation to Medical Error with a focus on the theory of the loss of a chance. For this, before going into the subject properly, we have to open up some possibilities, as in the first part, which will be some general notions of civil liability, such as concept, assumptions, species, different from the Objective's and Subjective responsibility; Contractual and Non-Contractual. The theory of the loss of a chance and all its content, being historical evolution, concept, adequacy in the Brazilian legal system will focus on the second part of the present article, followed by the third part of the medical error, together with its historical evolution, its legal nature , obligation of means and result, moral and aesthetic damage, the applicability of the theory of the loss of a chance in medical error and the theory of survival or cure, ending with the quantification of the compensation of a loss.
responsabilidade civil , perda de uma chance , erro médico , civil liability , loss of chance , medical error