Crimes cibernéticos: uma análise da mulher como vítima
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Brandão, Alessandra Carvalho
Scalquette, Rodrigo Arnoni
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A violência contra as mulheres sempre foi no mundo uma prática corriqueira, infelizmente. Com a crescente popularização das redes sociais e da própria internet, fica nítido que muitos crimes vêm ocorrendo neste meio. O objetivo do trabalho é abordar e analisar os crimes cibernéticos que atingem as mulheres e quais as consequências geradas pelo cometimento das infrações. Propõe-se então analisar e explicar os tipos penais, bem como analisar as ramificações das violências e seu impacto na vida das mulheres. Sob essa ótica, os crimes digitais contra as mulheres mostram que as violências vão além da física que é de fato a mais aparente, mas podem afetar muitas áreas e aspectos da vida da mulher.
Violence against women has sadly always been a recurrent practice. As social networks and internet itself became more popular, the number of crimes that take place in such ambience has also increased. Given that fact, the main goal of this work was to discuss and analyse how cybernetic crimes affect women, and what are the consequences of such infractions. The criminal laws that institute those actions as crimes will be analysed and discussed, along with possible outcomes in the lives of women affected by it. The conclusion shows that the violence perpetrated by this type of crime goes beyond the physical one, affecting many areas of these women’s lives.
Violence against women has sadly always been a recurrent practice. As social networks and internet itself became more popular, the number of crimes that take place in such ambience has also increased. Given that fact, the main goal of this work was to discuss and analyse how cybernetic crimes affect women, and what are the consequences of such infractions. The criminal laws that institute those actions as crimes will be analysed and discussed, along with possible outcomes in the lives of women affected by it. The conclusion shows that the violence perpetrated by this type of crime goes beyond the physical one, affecting many areas of these women’s lives.
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