Políticas públicas para compras públicas inteligentes: considerações acerca da adoção do software livre pela administração pública como política de inovação e ferramenta para o desenvolvimento tecnológico sustentável e a segurança nacional
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Oliveira, André de Lima Salles
Pires, Antônio Cecílio Moreira
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A discussão sobre a utilização de softwares livres pelas diferentes esferas da administração
pública não se resume à mera tentativa de contenção de gastos públicos. Trata-se, na verdade,
de importante ferramenta para instrumentalização do desenvolvimento econômico-tecnológico
brasileiro, capaz de garantir real segurança de dados e efetiva soberania nacional. Temas estes
tão fundamentais, como nos lembram os inúmeros casos de espionagem internacional
veiculados na grande mídia, dentre os quais se notabilizou, em 2014, o episódio em que o exagente
da CIA, Edward Snowden, vazou informações sigilosas sobre como os Estados Unidos
utilizavam programas de espionagem para monitorar outros países, entre eles o Brasil. Nesse
contexto, a presente monografia pretendeu analisar os aspectos jurídicos envolvidos nesse
ambiente de disputas econômicas, a fim de identificar porque o software livre está sendo
menosprezado, mesmo após o julgamento da ADI nº 3.059, que deu segurança jurídica para a
priorização do seu uso nas contratações públicas. Verificou-se, então, que embora alinhado à
persecução dos objetivos e princípios da República Federativa do Brasil, como, por exemplo:
o desenvolvimento sustentável nacional, a eficiência, a economicidade, a soberania e, em
especial, à segurança de dados, viabilizar seu emprego pressupõe sejam abandonadas as velhas
políticas públicas de priorização de softwares proprietários que, além de financiar monopólios
tecnológicos estrangeiros as custas do nosso desenvolvimento e do esvaziamento dos cofres
públicos, menosprezam o potencial do poder de compra do Estado. Potencial este que se traduz
em políticas públicas de inovação pensadas pelo lado da demanda (sobretudo na adoção de
softwares livres pelo governo) e compras públicas sustentáveis, direcionadas ao incentivo do
desenvolvimento socioeconômico nacional. Afinal, como já antecipado, não se trata de mera
política econômica de contenção de despesas, mas de fundamental estratégia que obriga o
estado a atuar na economia educativa, na medida que fomenta o desenvolvimento de inovação
tecnológica e garante nossa independência e soberania nacional.
The discussion about the use of free software by the different spheres of public administration is not just a mere attempt to contain public spending. It is, in fact, an important tool for instrumentalizing Brazilian economic-technological development, capable of guaranteeing real data security and national efficiency. Such fundamental themes, as the various cases of international espionage publicized in the mainstream media remind us, among which, in 2014, the episode in which the former CIA agent, Edward Snowden, leaked confidential information about how the United States states used spy programs to monitor other countries, including Brazil. In this context, this monograph intended to analyze the legal aspects involved in this environment of sexual disputes, in order to identify why free software is being neglected, even after the judgment of ADI nº 3.059, which gave legal certainty for prioritizing its use in public procurement. It was verified, then, that despite the pursuit of the objectives and principles of the Federative Republic of Brazil, such as, for example: national sustainable development, efficiency, economy, sovereignty and, in particular, data security, to make its employment will remain awaiting the old public policies of prioritization of proprietary software that, in addition to foreign financial monopolies at the expense of our development and the emptying of public coffers, underestimate the potential of the State's purchasing power. This potential translates into public innovation policies designed on the demand side (especially in the adoption of free software by the government) and sustainable public purchases, aimed at encouraging national socioeconomic development. After all, as already anticipated, this is not a mere economic policy of cost containment, but a fundamental strategy that obliges the state to act in the educational economy, insofar as it encourages the development of technological innovation and guarantees our independence and national sovereignty.
The discussion about the use of free software by the different spheres of public administration is not just a mere attempt to contain public spending. It is, in fact, an important tool for instrumentalizing Brazilian economic-technological development, capable of guaranteeing real data security and national efficiency. Such fundamental themes, as the various cases of international espionage publicized in the mainstream media remind us, among which, in 2014, the episode in which the former CIA agent, Edward Snowden, leaked confidential information about how the United States states used spy programs to monitor other countries, including Brazil. In this context, this monograph intended to analyze the legal aspects involved in this environment of sexual disputes, in order to identify why free software is being neglected, even after the judgment of ADI nº 3.059, which gave legal certainty for prioritizing its use in public procurement. It was verified, then, that despite the pursuit of the objectives and principles of the Federative Republic of Brazil, such as, for example: national sustainable development, efficiency, economy, sovereignty and, in particular, data security, to make its employment will remain awaiting the old public policies of prioritization of proprietary software that, in addition to foreign financial monopolies at the expense of our development and the emptying of public coffers, underestimate the potential of the State's purchasing power. This potential translates into public innovation policies designed on the demand side (especially in the adoption of free software by the government) and sustainable public purchases, aimed at encouraging national socioeconomic development. After all, as already anticipated, this is not a mere economic policy of cost containment, but a fundamental strategy that obliges the state to act in the educational economy, insofar as it encourages the development of technological innovation and guarantees our independence and national sovereignty.
software livre , software proprietário , políticas públicas de compras , desenvolvimento nacional sustentável , free software , proprietary software , public purchasing policies , sustainable national development