Justiça restaurativa: um instrumento possível no combate aos crimes de violência doméstica contra a mulher
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Trajano, Isabella Barbosa
Kibrit, Orly
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O presente trabalho analisa a aplicação da justiça restaurativa como uma possibilidade em mitigar de modo residual à reincidência nos crimes de violência doméstica contra a mulher, a fim de conceder a esses casos respostas mais satisfativas as vítimas, ofensores e comunidade. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa perpassa sobre a construção da mulher na sociedade frente sua pluralidade, com a abordagem de conceitos indispensáveis como gênero, violência, patriarcado, por meio da análise de obras jurídicas e sociológicas, legislações e resoluções. Consecutivamente, demonstra o reflexo dessas questões no desenvolvimento da mulher e o direito penal sob o aspecto das principais escolas criminológicas, principalmente ao que concerne a criminologia feminista e sua influência para a consolidação da Lei Maria da Penha. De igual modo, busca retratar os caminhos percorridos pela referida lei até a sua consolidação, evidenciando suas inovações e o avanço no reconhecimento das mulheres como sujeitas de direito. Ainda, apresenta a justiça restaurativa como aliada a justiça retributiva aplicada no poder judiciário e compatível com os objetivos da Lei Maria da Penha, possibilitando ao ofensor a oportunidade de encontrar novas formas de solucionar conflitos e adquirir a responsabilidade pelos danos causados.
This work analyzes the application of restorative justice as a possibility to residually mitigate the recurrence of crimes of domestic violence against women, to provide these cases with more satisfactory responses for victims, offenders, and the community. In this sense, the research focuses on the construction of women in society in the face of its plurality, approaching indispensable concepts such as gender, violence, and patriarchy, through the analysis of legal and sociological works, criminal law, and resolutions. Consecutively, it demonstrates the impact of these issues on the development of women and criminal law from the perspective of the main criminological schools, mainly about feminist criminology and its influence on the references of the Maria da Penha Law. Likewise, it seeks to portray the paths taken by the above law until its declarations, highlighting its innovations and the advancement in the recognition of women as subjects of law. Furthermore, it presents restorative justice as combined with retributive justice applied in the judiciary and compatible with the main objectives of the Maria da Penha Law, providing the offender with the opportunity to find new ways of resolving conflicts and acquiring responsibility for the damage caused.
This work analyzes the application of restorative justice as a possibility to residually mitigate the recurrence of crimes of domestic violence against women, to provide these cases with more satisfactory responses for victims, offenders, and the community. In this sense, the research focuses on the construction of women in society in the face of its plurality, approaching indispensable concepts such as gender, violence, and patriarchy, through the analysis of legal and sociological works, criminal law, and resolutions. Consecutively, it demonstrates the impact of these issues on the development of women and criminal law from the perspective of the main criminological schools, mainly about feminist criminology and its influence on the references of the Maria da Penha Law. Likewise, it seeks to portray the paths taken by the above law until its declarations, highlighting its innovations and the advancement in the recognition of women as subjects of law. Furthermore, it presents restorative justice as combined with retributive justice applied in the judiciary and compatible with the main objectives of the Maria da Penha Law, providing the offender with the opportunity to find new ways of resolving conflicts and acquiring responsibility for the damage caused.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao prêmio TCC
violência doméstica , lei Maria da Penha , criminologia feminista , justiça restaurativa , domestic violence , Maria da Penha law , feminist criminology , restorative justice