Realidade do acesso ao ensino no Nordeste: uma conscientização para a comunidade escolar através de relatos e dramáticas nas aulas de língua portuguesa
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Fernandes, Nicolle Amadai
Santos, Elaine Cristina Prado dos
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O ambiente educacional, tem como primícias a democratização social e cultural, de modo a formar o cidadão. O impacto nas mudanças sociais que vêm acontecendo, influenciam também no ensino de literaturas, em que as histórias e textos tendem a aproximar-se da realidade dos discentes. As aulas de língua portuguesa assumem o papel de gerar pensamento crítico, político e social, e para construir essa consciência é preciso explorar os seus diferentes gêneros textuais, que permitem que nos transportemos para novas culturas e vivências. Pensando nisso, esse estudo busca apresentar uma realidade próxima, mas, ao mesmo tempo, distante, à carência educacional que existe no nordeste do nosso país, que muitas vezes se reflete em estereótipos, que causam sentimento de inferioridade nos nordestinos, quando migram para a região sul/sudeste. A educação exerce influência sobre as pessoas e as pessoas transformam a sociedade. A partir do pensamento freiriano, esta pesquisa oferta uma sequência didática, para o 2º ano do Ensino Médio, que utiliza histórias autobiográficas dos moradores da cidade de Pão de Açúcar –AL, posteriormente a dramatização, estabelecendo uma relação de sensibilização para a comunidade escolar. Foram usados como referenciais teóricos as reflexões dos Parâmetros Curriculares Ensino Médio (2002); Base Nacional Comum Curricular (2017); Augusto Boal (1980), (1991) e (2012); Freire (1987); Bakhtin (2000) e Bazerman (2007).
The educational environment is primarily concerned with social and cultural democratization, in order toeducate citizens. The impact of the social changes that have been taking place also influence the teaching of literature, in which stories and texts tend to get closer to the reality of the students. Portuguese language classes take on the role of generating critical, political, and social thinking, and to build this awareness it is necessary to explore its different textual genres, which allow us to transport ourselves to new cultures and experiences. With this in mind, this study seeks to present a reality that is close, but, at the same time, distant, to the lack of education that exists in the northeast of our country, which is often reflected in stereotypes that cause feelings of inferiority in northeasterners when they migrate to the south/southeast region. Education influences people, and people transform society. Based on Freirian thought, this research offers a didactic sequence, for the 2nd year of high school, which uses autobiographical stories of the residents of the city of Pão de Açúcar -AL, followed by dramatization, establishing a relationship of sensitization for the school community. Were used as theoretical references the reflections of the National Curriculum Parameters(2002); National Common Curricular Base(2017); Augusto Boal (1980), (1991) and (2012); Freire (1987); Bakhtin (2000) and Bazerman (2007).
The educational environment is primarily concerned with social and cultural democratization, in order toeducate citizens. The impact of the social changes that have been taking place also influence the teaching of literature, in which stories and texts tend to get closer to the reality of the students. Portuguese language classes take on the role of generating critical, political, and social thinking, and to build this awareness it is necessary to explore its different textual genres, which allow us to transport ourselves to new cultures and experiences. With this in mind, this study seeks to present a reality that is close, but, at the same time, distant, to the lack of education that exists in the northeast of our country, which is often reflected in stereotypes that cause feelings of inferiority in northeasterners when they migrate to the south/southeast region. Education influences people, and people transform society. Based on Freirian thought, this research offers a didactic sequence, for the 2nd year of high school, which uses autobiographical stories of the residents of the city of Pão de Açúcar -AL, followed by dramatization, establishing a relationship of sensitization for the school community. Were used as theoretical references the reflections of the National Curriculum Parameters(2002); National Common Curricular Base(2017); Augusto Boal (1980), (1991) and (2012); Freire (1987); Bakhtin (2000) and Bazerman (2007).
literatura , língua portuguesa , autobiográfico , dramatização , literature , portuguese language , autobiographical , dramatization