A atuação política de José de Alencar em defesa da escravidão
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Ungarello, Gustavo de Abreu Guerrero
Vellozo, Júlio César de Oliveira
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O presente artigo visa analisar a trajetória política de José de Alencar em defesa da
escravidão e fazer uma apresentação dos argumentos apresentados por ele, trazendo outros
argumentos que corroboram seu pensamento, argumentos contrários, dados estatísticos e
bibliográficos, para que se possa entender em quais circunstâncias o autor defendia seus
pensamentos, porque fazia essa defesa e se baseava sua defesa em dados sólidos. A metodologia
utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica. Ao final da pesquisa, chegou-se à conclusão que Alencar
balizava seus argumentos em dados incorretos, manipulados ou dúbios, e sua defesa dava-se
por motivos diferentes dos que afirmava. Apesar da notória habilidade de argumentação e
persuasão, pôde-se perceber que as projeções de Alencar acabariam por não se cumprindo.
This article intends to analyze the political trajectory of José de Alencar defending the slavery and to present the arguments given by him, bringing other arguments that confirm his thought, contrary arguments, statistical and bibliographic data, so that you can understand in which circumstances the author defended his thoughts, why he defended the slavery and if he used to base his defense on solid bases. The methodology used was bibliographic search. In the end, the conclusion was that José de Alencar based his defense at wrong, manipulated or dubious, and his defense occurred because of different reasons that he used to claim. Although his notorious ability to argue and persuade, it was possible to perceive that the Alencar’s projections could not be fulfilled.
This article intends to analyze the political trajectory of José de Alencar defending the slavery and to present the arguments given by him, bringing other arguments that confirm his thought, contrary arguments, statistical and bibliographic data, so that you can understand in which circumstances the author defended his thoughts, why he defended the slavery and if he used to base his defense on solid bases. The methodology used was bibliographic search. In the end, the conclusion was that José de Alencar based his defense at wrong, manipulated or dubious, and his defense occurred because of different reasons that he used to claim. Although his notorious ability to argue and persuade, it was possible to perceive that the Alencar’s projections could not be fulfilled.
Alencar , abolição , escravidão , império , abolition , slavery , empire , policy