As formas de trabalho que ganharam destaque durante e após o estado pandêmico e a implantação da modalidade do nômade digital no Brasil
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Alves, Bruna Leticia Gamileira
Afonso, Túlio Augusto Tayano
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O presente trabalho explora sobre as relações de trabalho remoto que se tornaram tendencia durante e após o estado pandêmico, bem como explica e transita pelo fenômeno do nomadismo digital, abordando sobre sua implementação, desafios, riscos jurídicos e trabalhistas, versando também sobre os avanços tecnológicos e a aceleração da inteligência artificial no mundo, bem como isso impacta diretamente na sociedade. O objetivo é entender quais foram as causas que fizeram com que essas modalidades de trabalho ganhassem força e popularidade na sociedade atual, levando em consideração a aceleração digital. O estudo procurou observar o crescente aumento da adesão de profissionais ao nomadismo digital e como o Estado com a ajuda das empresas tem proporcionalizado medidas que visem maiores garantias para aqueles que optam por levar esse estilo de vida. Além de abarcar sobre a inteligência artificial, normas regulamentadoras sobre nômades digitais, casos reais e empresas modelos.
This work explores the remote work relationships that became biased during and after the pandemic state, as well as explaining and moving through the trends of digital nomadism, addressing its implementation, challenges, legal and labor risks, also dealing with technological advances. and the improvement of artificial intelligence in the world, as well as this directly impacting society. The objective is to understand what were the causes that made these types of work gain strength and popularity in today's society, taking into account digital attraction. The study observed the growing increase in professionals' adherence to digital nomadism and how the State, with the help of companies, has proportionate measures aimed at greater guarantees for those who ch oose to lead this lifestyle. In addition to covering artificial intelligence, regulatory standards on digital nomads, real cases and business models.
This work explores the remote work relationships that became biased during and after the pandemic state, as well as explaining and moving through the trends of digital nomadism, addressing its implementation, challenges, legal and labor risks, also dealing with technological advances. and the improvement of artificial intelligence in the world, as well as this directly impacting society. The objective is to understand what were the causes that made these types of work gain strength and popularity in today's society, taking into account digital attraction. The study observed the growing increase in professionals' adherence to digital nomadism and how the State, with the help of companies, has proportionate measures aimed at greater guarantees for those who ch oose to lead this lifestyle. In addition to covering artificial intelligence, regulatory standards on digital nomads, real cases and business models.
trabalho remoto , teletrabalho , nômade digital , estado pandêmico , remote work , teleworking , digital nomad , pandemic state