A baixa representatividade feminina em eleições proporcionais discussão da política de quotas por gênero e sua efetividade
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Serrano, Anna Claudia Marques
Costa, Cláudia Márcia
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Diante do atual cenário de desequilíbrio na participação feminina na esfera política brasileira, este trabalho almeja, por meio de um exame histórico e contemporâneo, lançar luz sobre o desafiador incremento da presença de mulheres nos processos eleitorais no Brasil.
Nesse contexto, será analisada a violência política perpetrada contra as mulheres, mediante a exposição de exemplos do quotidiano político nacional, assim como as artimanhas fraudulentas utilizadas para contornar a legislação de cotas vigente.
Este estudo também apresentará as leis bem-sucedidas em vigor em outras nações, contrastando-as com a realidade normativa brasileira, e abordará as propostas em discussão nas instâncias legislativas.
Por fim, objetiva-se realizar uma avaliação da eficácia da Lei de Cotas, apoiada por análises estatísticas, culminando na apresentação de uma proposta legislativa concreta. Essa proposta visa a corrigir as deficiências na representatividade de gênero nos cargos de poder e tomada de decisão do país, constituindo, assim, um passo crucial em prol da igualdade democrática.
Given the current scenario of imbalance in female participation in the Brazilian political sphere, this work aims, through a historical and contemporary examination, to shed light on the challenging increase in the presence of women in electoral processes in Brazil. In this context, political violence perpetrated against women will be analyzed, through the exposure of examples from everyday national politics, as well as the fraudulent tricks used to circumvent the current quota legislation in force. This study will also present successful laws in force in other nations, contrasting them with the Brazilian normative reality, and will address the proposals under discussion in legislative bodies. Finally, the objective is to carry out an assessment of the effectiveness of the Quota Law, supported by statistical analyses, culminating in the presentation of a concrete legislative proposal. This proposal aims to correct deficiencies in gender representation in positions of power and decision-making in the country, thus constituting a crucial step towards democratic equality.
Given the current scenario of imbalance in female participation in the Brazilian political sphere, this work aims, through a historical and contemporary examination, to shed light on the challenging increase in the presence of women in electoral processes in Brazil. In this context, political violence perpetrated against women will be analyzed, through the exposure of examples from everyday national politics, as well as the fraudulent tricks used to circumvent the current quota legislation in force. This study will also present successful laws in force in other nations, contrasting them with the Brazilian normative reality, and will address the proposals under discussion in legislative bodies. Finally, the objective is to carry out an assessment of the effectiveness of the Quota Law, supported by statistical analyses, culminating in the presentation of a concrete legislative proposal. This proposal aims to correct deficiencies in gender representation in positions of power and decision-making in the country, thus constituting a crucial step towards democratic equality.
cotas de gênero , candidatura feminina , democracia , representatividade feminina , gender quotas , female candidacy , democracy , female representativeness