Educomunicação: uma inter-relação entre a comunicação e a educação no processo de ensino-aprendizagem
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Naves, Marcus Paulo Vieira
Lopes, Marcelo José Abreu
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Este estudo busca levantar dados e elaborar uma reflexão acerca das teorias e
metodologias vinculadas a educomunicação e sua correlação com o processo de
ensino aprendizagem na educação básica e na formação acadêmica dos
educomunicadores. Com intuito de entender quais os impactos da educomunicação nos
ambientes educacionais, foi realizada, inicialmente, uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a
origem das discussões, os principais agentes teóricos e a relação entre a educação e
a comunicação. Com isso, a partir das bases de dados Scopus e Scielo levantou-se as
produções acadêmicas atuais, bem como os textos necessários para o embasamento
das discussões referentes às práticas pedagógicas educomunicativas. Para atender
toda a abordagem necessária ao escopo do trabalho foram discutidas as questões que
variam desde a formação do educomunicador até a aplicação das metodologias
educomunicativas na prática. Alguns projetos são apresentados de modo a reforçar a
importância das reflexões sobre a educomunicação. Além disso, esta pesquisa buscou
compreender o papel da educomunicação e das tecnologias digitais no contexto escolar
no cenário de pandemia de Covid-19. Considerando as observações discutidas foi
possível inferir que é preciso continuar as discussões e reflexões acadêmicas no
sentido de aprofundar o estudo, principalmente, em se tratando da implementação de
políticas públicas efetivas que visem às práticas pedagógicas educomunicativas.
This study seeks to collect data and elaborate a reflection on the theories and methodologies linked to educommunication and its correlation with the teaching-learning process in basic education and in the academic training of educommunicators. In order to understand the impacts of educommunication in educational environments, a bibliographical research was initially carried out on the origin of the discussions, the main theoretical agents and the relationship between education and communication. With this, from the Scopus and Scielo databases, current academic productions were raised, as well as the texts necessary for the basis of discussions regarding educommunicative pedagogical practices. In order to meet the entire approach necessary for the scope of the work, issues ranging from the training of educommunicators to the application of educommunicative methodologies in practice were discussed. Some projects are presented in order to reinforce the importance of reflections on educommunication. In addition, this research sought to understand the role of educommunication and digital technologies in the school context in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Considering the observations discussed, it was possible to infer that it is necessary to continue discussions and academic reflections in order to deepen the study, especially when it comes to the implementation of effective public policies aimed at educommunicative pedagogical practices.
This study seeks to collect data and elaborate a reflection on the theories and methodologies linked to educommunication and its correlation with the teaching-learning process in basic education and in the academic training of educommunicators. In order to understand the impacts of educommunication in educational environments, a bibliographical research was initially carried out on the origin of the discussions, the main theoretical agents and the relationship between education and communication. With this, from the Scopus and Scielo databases, current academic productions were raised, as well as the texts necessary for the basis of discussions regarding educommunicative pedagogical practices. In order to meet the entire approach necessary for the scope of the work, issues ranging from the training of educommunicators to the application of educommunicative methodologies in practice were discussed. Some projects are presented in order to reinforce the importance of reflections on educommunication. In addition, this research sought to understand the role of educommunication and digital technologies in the school context in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Considering the observations discussed, it was possible to infer that it is necessary to continue discussions and academic reflections in order to deepen the study, especially when it comes to the implementation of effective public policies aimed at educommunicative pedagogical practices.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito MUITO BOM.
educomunicação , formação do educomunicador , práticas pedagógicas educomunicativas.