A formação dos regimes autoritários e a liberdade de expressão: um alerta ao povo brasileiro
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Lourenço, Lauro André Coutinho
Scavone Junior, Luiz Antônio
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O presente artigo buscou demonstrar que quanto maior a restrição da
liberdade de expressão mais autoritário se torna um regime. Durante o
desenvolvimento do presente trabalho restará demonstrado que, desde o período
romano até os dias de hoje, quando um regime restringe a liberdade de expressão,
a forma de governo se torna cada vez mais autoritária até chegar a um regime em
que quem se expressa, contra o Estado vigente, é perseguido de maneira social e
também estatal. Nota-se, em boa parte dos regimes analisados, que a perseguição
e a censura começam a ser exercidas por grupos sociais que perseguem indivíduos
ou mesmo grupos que não concordam com seus ideais. Com o passar do tempo,
esses grupos sociais conseguem ascender ao aparato estatal gradualmente e
passam a realizar a censura e a perseguição não mais somente de maneira social,
mas agora também de maneira estatal.
This article sought to demonstrate that the greater the restriction on freedom of expression, the more authoritarian a regime becomes. During the development of this work, it will be demonstrated that from the roman period to the present day, when a regime restricts freedom of expression, the form of government becomes increasingly authoritarian until reaching a regime in which whoever expresses himself against the State is persecuted in a social and legal manner. It is noted in most of the regimes analyzed that persecution and censorship begin to be exercised by social groups that persecute individuals or even groups that do not agree with their ideals. Over time, these social groups manage to gradually ascend to the state apparatus and begin to carry out censorship and persecution no longer in a social, but now also in a legal way.
This article sought to demonstrate that the greater the restriction on freedom of expression, the more authoritarian a regime becomes. During the development of this work, it will be demonstrated that from the roman period to the present day, when a regime restricts freedom of expression, the form of government becomes increasingly authoritarian until reaching a regime in which whoever expresses himself against the State is persecuted in a social and legal manner. It is noted in most of the regimes analyzed that persecution and censorship begin to be exercised by social groups that persecute individuals or even groups that do not agree with their ideals. Over time, these social groups manage to gradually ascend to the state apparatus and begin to carry out censorship and persecution no longer in a social, but now also in a legal way.
liberdade de expressão , censura , autoritário , supressão da liberdade de expressão , freedom of expression , censorship , authoritarian , suppression of freedom of expression