Assédio moral no ambiente de trabalho presencial e virtual: a prevenção e o combate na visão dos profissionais de RH
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Teixeira, Bruna Lujan
Nakahara, Fernanda Roana Ayumi
Lace, Pedro Faria
Nakahara, Fernanda Roana Ayumi
Lace, Pedro Faria
Rodrigues, Miriam
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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar o assédio moral no ambiente de trabalho presencial e virtual, com enfoque nas reações e ações tomadas pelas empresas diante dessas situações elencando as definições, consequências, medidas de prevenção e combate, além de discorrer sobre os efeitos da pandemia de Covid-19 com relação a este fenômeno. A pesquisa qualitativa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas que evidenciaram, no âmbito do estudo, que o processo de assédio é conhecido pelos profissionais, além de ter sido intensificado durante a pandemia no ambiente virtual; e que as empresas possuem código de conduta e ética, políticas contra o assédio moral e canais de denúncias variados, além de tratativas após o ocorrido que prezam o sigilo da vítima. Apesar disso, foi possível constatar que não há ampla divulgação sobre o tema nas empresas, já que não há constância nos treinamentos, revisitas ao tema e a utilização de líderes como exemplo; e consequentemente também se notou que as vítimas frequentemente demitem-se após a ocorrência do assédio.
The objective of this research was to analyze bullying in the face-to-face and virtual work environment, focusing on the reactions and actions taken by companies in the face of these situations, listing the definitions, consequences, prevention and combat measures, as well as discussing the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to this phenomenon. The qualitative research was carried out through semi-structured interviews that showed, in the scope of the study, that the harassment process is known by the professionals, besides having been intensified during the pandemic in the virtual environment; and that the companies have a code of conduct and ethics, policies against moral harassment and various channels for denunciations, in addition to post-harassment treatments that value the victim's confidentiality. Despite this, it was possible to verify that there is not a wide dissemination of the theme in the companies, since there is no constant training, revisits to the theme, and the use of leaders as an example; and consequently it was also noted that the victims frequently resign after the occurrence of the harassment.
The objective of this research was to analyze bullying in the face-to-face and virtual work environment, focusing on the reactions and actions taken by companies in the face of these situations, listing the definitions, consequences, prevention and combat measures, as well as discussing the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to this phenomenon. The qualitative research was carried out through semi-structured interviews that showed, in the scope of the study, that the harassment process is known by the professionals, besides having been intensified during the pandemic in the virtual environment; and that the companies have a code of conduct and ethics, policies against moral harassment and various channels for denunciations, in addition to post-harassment treatments that value the victim's confidentiality. Despite this, it was possible to verify that there is not a wide dissemination of the theme in the companies, since there is no constant training, revisits to the theme, and the use of leaders as an example; and consequently it was also noted that the victims frequently resign after the occurrence of the harassment.
assédio moral , ambiente virtual , prevenção , combate