O impacto da guerra às drogas no judiciário brasileiro. Como a guerra às drogas fragiliza o sistema judiciário criminal do Brasil
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Oliveira, Renan Coimbra de
Moreira Filho, Guaracy
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A finalidade deste trabalho é o de identificar a situação atual do sistema prisional brasileiro e, apresentado os seus principais problemas, entender qual o impacto das prisões realizadas sob condenações pelo crime de tráfico de drogas nas superlotações das cadeias e no sobre carregamento do sistema judiciário criminal do Brasil.
Por meio do levantamento e pesquisa de dados concretos do sistema prisional brasileiro, como os números da população carcerária, e a porcentagem de incidência de tipos penais que resultam em prisões, e comparação com estudos de caso de países que já regulamentaram em algum nível o uso de substâncias consideradas ilícitas no Brasil, como alteração nos índices criminais, psicossociais e de saúde, assim como as vantagens econômicas que a adoção dessa regulamentação trouxe nessas nações. Este trabalho visa entender também, como a guerra as drogas tomou forma globalmente e nacionalmente, quais foram suas motivações e embasamentos científicos e sociais, e como a herança dessa guerra às drogas gera violência e uma superpopulação prisional no Brasil, e por fim, analisar se uma eventual descriminalização ou legalização das drogas seria uma solução para desafogar os nossos juízes, delegados, defensores públicos, promotores, oficiais de justiça, advogados e defensores públicos que atuam na esfera criminal.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the current situation of the Brazilian prison system and, presented its main problems, to understand the impact of the arrests carried out under convictions for the crime of drug trafficking in the overcrowding of the jails and on the overload of the criminal justice system. of Brazil. Through the survey and research of concrete data from the Brazilian prison system, such as the numbers of the prison population, and the percentage of incidence of criminal types that result in arrests, and comparison with case studies of countries that have already regulated the use of some type of prison of substances considered illegal in Brazil, such as changes in criminal, psychosocial and health indexes, as well as the economic advantages that the adoption of this regulation brought in these nations. This work also aims to understand, how the war on drugs took shape globally and nationally, what were its motivations and scientific and social bases, and how the legacy of this war on drugs generates violence and a prison overpopulation in Brazil, and finally, to analyze whether an eventual decriminalization or legalization of drugs would be a solution to relieve our judges, delegates, public defenders, prosecutors, bailiffs, lawyers and public defenders who work in the criminal sphere.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the current situation of the Brazilian prison system and, presented its main problems, to understand the impact of the arrests carried out under convictions for the crime of drug trafficking in the overcrowding of the jails and on the overload of the criminal justice system. of Brazil. Through the survey and research of concrete data from the Brazilian prison system, such as the numbers of the prison population, and the percentage of incidence of criminal types that result in arrests, and comparison with case studies of countries that have already regulated the use of some type of prison of substances considered illegal in Brazil, such as changes in criminal, psychosocial and health indexes, as well as the economic advantages that the adoption of this regulation brought in these nations. This work also aims to understand, how the war on drugs took shape globally and nationally, what were its motivations and scientific and social bases, and how the legacy of this war on drugs generates violence and a prison overpopulation in Brazil, and finally, to analyze whether an eventual decriminalization or legalization of drugs would be a solution to relieve our judges, delegates, public defenders, prosecutors, bailiffs, lawyers and public defenders who work in the criminal sphere.
regulamentação , guerra às drogas , descriminalização , decriminalization , war on drugs , legalization