Adoção compartilhada e grupos de irmãos: possibilidades para a efetivação da proteção integral de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil
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Tomaz, Luiza Gomide
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a possibilidade da adoção compartilhada entre grupo de irmãos por diferentes núcleos familiares como uma das medidas de diminuir a discrepância numérica entre a quantidade de crianças disponíveis à adoção e pretendentes a adotar. Sabe-se que, atualmente, há em média, segundo os dados fornecidos pelo Sistema Nacional de Adoção, muito mais pretendentes a adotar do que crianças disponíveis à adoção, entretanto, estas não são adotadas, isso porque, os adotantes muita das vezes estão em buscas de adotados que não se encaixam no perfil geral das crianças e adolescentes existentes nos abrigos institucionais do Brasil. Para tanto, foram analisados os avanços legislativos obtidos durante todo o histórico da normatização da adoção, bem como as medidas efetivamente adotadas, a fim de que a dicotomia numérica mencionada fosse reduzida. Além disso, foram analisados o princípio do melhor interesse da criança e do adolescente e o princípio do não desmembramento de irmãos, regulamentado pelo artigo 92, inciso V do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, a fim de que assim, fosse devidamente ponderado os valores principiológicos, que apesar de serem teóricos, são responsáveis por emoldurar a prática adotiva. Por fim, fora analisado junto aos casos práticos o que deveria prevalecer dentro de um embate em que fosse questionada a prevalência teórica do princípio do não desmembramento de irmãos em contrapartida a efetividade do desmembramento dos irmãos inseridos em um grande grupo em diferentes famílias que firmaram entre si o compromisso social e moral de manter a convivência entre os menores ali separados.
This article aims to analyze the possibility of shared adoption between a group of siblings from different family groups as one of the measures to reduce the numerical discrepancy between the number of children available for adoption and those intending to adopt. It is known that, currently, on average, according to data provided by the National Adoption System, there are many more applicants to adopt than children available for adoption, however, these are not adopted, this is because adopters are often in searches for adoptees who do not fit the general profile of children and adolescents in institutional shelters in Brazil. To this end, the legislative advances obtained throughout the history of adoption regulations were analyzed, as well as the measures actually adopted, so that the aforementioned numerical dichotomy was reduced. Furthermore, the principle of the best interests of children and adolescents and the principle of non-dismemberment of siblings, regulated by article 92, item V of the Statute of Children and Adolescents, were analyzed, so that values could be duly considered. principles, which despite being theoretical, are responsible for framing adoptive practice. Finally, it was analyzed together with practical cases what should prevail within a clash in which the theoretical prevalence of the principle of non-dismemberment of siblings was questioned in contrast to the effectiveness of the dismemberment of siblings inserted in a large group in different families that signed between the social and moral commitment to maintaining coexistence between minors separated there.
This article aims to analyze the possibility of shared adoption between a group of siblings from different family groups as one of the measures to reduce the numerical discrepancy between the number of children available for adoption and those intending to adopt. It is known that, currently, on average, according to data provided by the National Adoption System, there are many more applicants to adopt than children available for adoption, however, these are not adopted, this is because adopters are often in searches for adoptees who do not fit the general profile of children and adolescents in institutional shelters in Brazil. To this end, the legislative advances obtained throughout the history of adoption regulations were analyzed, as well as the measures actually adopted, so that the aforementioned numerical dichotomy was reduced. Furthermore, the principle of the best interests of children and adolescents and the principle of non-dismemberment of siblings, regulated by article 92, item V of the Statute of Children and Adolescents, were analyzed, so that values could be duly considered. principles, which despite being theoretical, are responsible for framing adoptive practice. Finally, it was analyzed together with practical cases what should prevail within a clash in which the theoretical prevalence of the principle of non-dismemberment of siblings was questioned in contrast to the effectiveness of the dismemberment of siblings inserted in a large group in different families that signed between the social and moral commitment to maintaining coexistence between minors separated there.
adoção compartilhada , grupo de irmãos , sistema nacional de adoção e acolhimento , princípio do não desmembramento de irmãos , shared adoption , group of brothers , national adoption and reception system , principle of no dismemberment of siblings