O sistema penitenciário brasileiro como obstáculo à ressocialização
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Nascimento, Ademir de Sousa
Silva, Ivan Luis Marques da
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O principal propósito desta monografia foi analisar o surgimento e desenvolvimento
das penas, em especial a Privativa de Liberdade, (hoje utilizada como mecanismo de
contenção da criminalidade e ressocialização) na tentativa de compreender os
meandros da crise do Sistema Prisional Brasileiro, onde são evidentes as condições
de abandono, maus tratos e outras bestialidades sofridas por homens, mulheres (e
crianças nascidas no cárcere) “enjaulados”, sem o mínimo de dignidade ou respeito à
sua condição humana. Discutiu-se no trabalho, também, sobre a inaplicabilidade da
Lei de Execução Penal que, caso fosse cumprida, possibilitaria alcançar o ideal
The main purpose of this monograph was to analyze the emergence and development of sentences, especially the Deprivation of Liberty (today used as a mechanism for containing crime and resocialization) in an attempt to understand the intricacies of the crisis in the Brazilian Prison System, where the conditions of abandonment, abuse and other bestialities suffered by “caged” men, women (and children born in prison), without the slightest dignity or respect for their human condition. The work also discussed the inapplicability of the Penal Execution Law which, if complied with, would make it possible to reach the resocializing ideal.
The main purpose of this monograph was to analyze the emergence and development of sentences, especially the Deprivation of Liberty (today used as a mechanism for containing crime and resocialization) in an attempt to understand the intricacies of the crisis in the Brazilian Prison System, where the conditions of abandonment, abuse and other bestialities suffered by “caged” men, women (and children born in prison), without the slightest dignity or respect for their human condition. The work also discussed the inapplicability of the Penal Execution Law which, if complied with, would make it possible to reach the resocializing ideal.
sistema prisional , pena privativa de liberdade , ressocialização , lei de execução penal , prison system , deprivation of liberty penalty , resocialization , criminal enforcement law