A vinculação do tribunal arbitral aos precedentes judiciais obrigatórios
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Denardi, Mayara
Vasconcelos, Ronaldo
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O advento do Código de Processo Civil de 2015 trouxe, entre diversas inovações, o reconhecimento dos precedentes como parte do direito aplicável, o que instigou a discussão de diversos doutrinadores. Muito juristas consideraram que a ampliação do regime de precedentes foi um passo importante de aproximação do sistema da Civil Law, típico brasileiro, com o sistema da Common Law, comum entre os países anglo-saxões. A partir disso, o debate estendeu-se também para a Arbitragem, principalmente no que diz respeito à relação dos precedentes com este sistema de resolução de conflitos, na perspectiva da Lei nº 13.129/2015 (Lei de Arbitragem). O presente trabalho pretende analisar se o regime de precedentes age de forma a vincular as decisões dos árbitros, ou se há apenas uma relação de influência e pertinência de sua aplicação nos tribunais arbitrais, bem como busca esclarecer as possibilidades de revisão judicial das sentenças arbitrais que não seguirem determinado precedente.
The advent of the Civil Procedure Code of 2015 brought, among several innovations, the recognition of precedents as part of the applicable law, which instigated the discussion of several legal scholars. Many jurists considered that the expansion of the precedent regime was an important step towards the approximation of the Civil Law system, typical Brazilian, with the Common Law system, common among the Anglo-Saxon countries. From that point on, the debate also extended to arbitration, mainly with regard to the relationship between precedents and this litigation system, in the perspective of Law 13.129/2015 (Arbitration Act). The curremt research intends to analyze if the precedent regime acts in order to link the decisions of the arbitrators, or if there is only a relation of influence and pertinence of its application in the arbitration courts, as well as the possibilities for judicial review of arbitral awards that did not follow a certain precedent.
The advent of the Civil Procedure Code of 2015 brought, among several innovations, the recognition of precedents as part of the applicable law, which instigated the discussion of several legal scholars. Many jurists considered that the expansion of the precedent regime was an important step towards the approximation of the Civil Law system, typical Brazilian, with the Common Law system, common among the Anglo-Saxon countries. From that point on, the debate also extended to arbitration, mainly with regard to the relationship between precedents and this litigation system, in the perspective of Law 13.129/2015 (Arbitration Act). The curremt research intends to analyze if the precedent regime acts in order to link the decisions of the arbitrators, or if there is only a relation of influence and pertinence of its application in the arbitration courts, as well as the possibilities for judicial review of arbitral awards that did not follow a certain precedent.
precedentes judiciais , arbitragem , vinculação , pertinência , judicial precedents , arbitration , linking , pertinence