A encarnação de Cristo como estrutura para pregação
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Ribeiro, Vinícius Rosa
Cardoso, Dario de Araujo
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Considerando que a Encarnação de Cristo é central para toda Escritura e para todo sistema dogmático e valendo-se de uma problemática acerca da falta de Cristo nos púlpitos, este artigo procurou relacionar esta doutrina com a pregação. O objetivo foi demonstrar que a pregação que cativa o coração a Cristo fundamenta-se na doutrina da Encarnação. O método foi uma breve revisão de literatura, uma exposição da doutrina da encarnação no plano Redentor de Deus e uma proposta de aspectos para a pregação a partir da Encarnação. Concluiu-se que há relação e benefícios ao pregador que entende a Encarnação de Cristo como uma pregação de Deus ao mundo.
Considering that the Incarnation of Christ is central to all Scripture and every dogmatic system, and drawing on a problematic issue about the lack of Christ in pulpits, this article sought to relate this doctrine to preaching. The objective was to demonstrate that preaching that captivates the heart to Christ is based on the doctrine of the Incarnation. The method was a brief literature review, an exposition of the doctrine of the Incarnation in God's redemptive plan, and a proposal of aspects for preaching from the Incarnation. It was concluded that there is relationship and benefits to the preacher who understands the Incarnation of Christ as God's preaching to the world.
Considering that the Incarnation of Christ is central to all Scripture and every dogmatic system, and drawing on a problematic issue about the lack of Christ in pulpits, this article sought to relate this doctrine to preaching. The objective was to demonstrate that preaching that captivates the heart to Christ is based on the doctrine of the Incarnation. The method was a brief literature review, an exposition of the doctrine of the Incarnation in God's redemptive plan, and a proposal of aspects for preaching from the Incarnation. It was concluded that there is relationship and benefits to the preacher who understands the Incarnation of Christ as God's preaching to the world.
pregação , cristologia , encarnação , ofícios , cristocêntrico , preaching , christology , incarnation , offices , christocentric