A gestão de carreira como ferramenta na gestão de projeto pessoal
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Souza, Felipe Eduardo Zerbinati de
Nunes, Élida Jacomini
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A gestão de pessoas busca continuamente formas e aplicações de táticas que desenvolvam a renovação, a adaptabilidade e a flexibilidade das organizações. O presente estudo pretende apresentar as novas oportunidades de carreira que se desviem da tradicional execução formal do trabalho e possam conduzir o trabalhador ao planejamento ativo de sua carreira. A identificação da construção da carreira para os indivíduos é de fundamental importância para a obtenção do sucesso profissional, principal preocupação contemporânea do trabalhador que planeja a sua carreira. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica acerca do assunto a partir dos principais autores da literatura nacional e internacional sobre o tema em questão, sendo consultados livros, artigos científicos e sites da Internet, constituindo-se um ensaio teórico. O referencial teórico para viabilizar o estudo tratou dos tópicos: carreira tradicional, gestão de carreiras, novos desenhos de carreiras, novas modalidades de carreira e carreira proteana. Assim sendo, especulam-se as tendências da carreira do profissional contemporâneo, e os caminhos futuros na construção da carreira pela própria pessoa ou entre ela e a organização.
People management is continually seeking ways and tactics to develop applications for the renewal, adaptability and flexibility of organizations. The present study aims to present the new career opportunities that deviate from the traditional formal execution of the work and may lead the worker to the active planning of his career. The identification of career for individuals is crucial for obtaining professional success, the main concern of the contemporary worker who plans his career. For this, we performed a literature search on the subject from the main authors of national and international literature on the subject in question, being consulted books, papers and websites, constituting a theoretical essay. The theoretical framework to enable the study dealt with the topics: traditional career, career management, career new designs, new forms of career and protean career. So speculate the trends of contemporary professional career, and future directions in building career by oneself or between it and the organization.
People management is continually seeking ways and tactics to develop applications for the renewal, adaptability and flexibility of organizations. The present study aims to present the new career opportunities that deviate from the traditional formal execution of the work and may lead the worker to the active planning of his career. The identification of career for individuals is crucial for obtaining professional success, the main concern of the contemporary worker who plans his career. For this, we performed a literature search on the subject from the main authors of national and international literature on the subject in question, being consulted books, papers and websites, constituting a theoretical essay. The theoretical framework to enable the study dealt with the topics: traditional career, career management, career new designs, new forms of career and protean career. So speculate the trends of contemporary professional career, and future directions in building career by oneself or between it and the organization.
Gestão de projetos , Carreira (administração) , Organização empresarial