Abandono afetivo: responsabilidade civil na alienação parental
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José, Luis Eduardo Lancellotti
Wagner Junior, Luiz Guilherme da Costa
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Este trabalho tem o intuito de adentrar no âmbito familiar, e disseca-lo; e a partir disso relacioná-lo com o direito pelo prisma da responsabilidade civil afetiva. Examinaremos os princípios que guiam o direito de família e suas previsões legais, no que diz respeito à defesa da criança e do adolescente no nosso país, com foco na relação entre pais e filhos, e no quão essencial esta relação se faz na vida das crianças, em sua formação seja educacional, seja pessoal ou emocional, dando base para seu consequente desenvolvimento e inserção no mundo. Nos casos em que algumas dessas situações não sejam respeitadas, as devidas punições que esse descaso ocasionará também serão levantadas aqui.
This work aims to approach the Family contexto anddissect it, and from it, connect it with Law from perpective of affective civil liability. We will herein examine the principles guiding Family law and its legal predictions regarding the defense of children and adolescentes in our country, focusing on the relashionship between parentes and children, on how essential this relashionshipis in children’s lives and on their formation, be it educational, personal or emotional, giving rise to their development and insertion in the world. In those cases where somo of these situations are not respected, the due punishmentsentailed by this neglect will also be raised here.
This work aims to approach the Family contexto anddissect it, and from it, connect it with Law from perpective of affective civil liability. We will herein examine the principles guiding Family law and its legal predictions regarding the defense of children and adolescentes in our country, focusing on the relashionship between parentes and children, on how essential this relashionshipis in children’s lives and on their formation, be it educational, personal or emotional, giving rise to their development and insertion in the world. In those cases where somo of these situations are not respected, the due punishmentsentailed by this neglect will also be raised here.
responsabilidade civil , abandono afetivo , dano moral , civil liabilaty , emotional abandonment , moral damage