O papel do ato de ofício na configuração da corrupção passiva inserida no contexto da atividade parlamentar, à luz dos julgados proferidos pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal
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Mendes, Pâmela Gabrieli Valósio
Brito, Alexis Augusto Couto de
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso busca analisar como o Supremo Tribunal Federal se posicionou, e vem posicionando, no que tange ao ato de ofício para a configuração do delito estabelecido no artigo 317 do Código Penal Brasileiro, a corrupção passiva. Para tanto, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial, inicialmente, o trabalho aborda as origens do tipo penal, bem como, pormenorizadamente, debruça-se sobre as classificações dogmáticas que se sobressaem doutrinaria e jurisprudencialmente. Após, mediante a análise de ações penais e inquéritos que chegaram a Suprema Corte pátria, expõe como foi e como é feita a reflexão acerca da relevância do “ato de ofício” para a configuração da corrupção passiva, com enfoque no tipo imputado à parlamentares. Por fim, uma vez equacionado o panorama jurisprudencial incerto aceca do tema, reflete acerca das argumentações utilizadas pela Corte Constitucional Brasileira que sustentam os oscilantes posicionamentos.
This thesis aims to examine how the Supreme Federal Court has been positioned itself about the “act of office”, for the configuration of the offense established in article 317 of the Brazilian Penal Code, the passive corruption. Therefore, using doctrinaire and legal research, initially the work addresses the origins of the criminal type, as well as in detail looking at the dogmatic classifications that stand out doctrinally and jurisprudentially. Afterwards, through the analysis of criminal actions and inquiries that reached the Supreme Court, explains how the reflection on the relevance of the “act of office” for the configuration of passive corruption was made, focusing on the type attributed to parliamentarians. Finally, once the unsure jurisprudential scenario on the topic has been solved, it reflects on the arguments used by the Brazilian Supreme Court that support the oscillating positions.
This thesis aims to examine how the Supreme Federal Court has been positioned itself about the “act of office”, for the configuration of the offense established in article 317 of the Brazilian Penal Code, the passive corruption. Therefore, using doctrinaire and legal research, initially the work addresses the origins of the criminal type, as well as in detail looking at the dogmatic classifications that stand out doctrinally and jurisprudentially. Afterwards, through the analysis of criminal actions and inquiries that reached the Supreme Court, explains how the reflection on the relevance of the “act of office” for the configuration of passive corruption was made, focusing on the type attributed to parliamentarians. Finally, once the unsure jurisprudential scenario on the topic has been solved, it reflects on the arguments used by the Brazilian Supreme Court that support the oscillating positions.
corrupção passiva , ato de ofício , entendimentos do Supremo Tribunal Federal , passive corruption , official act , understandings of the Supreme Federal Court