Centro de apoio para crianças neurodivergentes: Promovendo o bem-estar integral da criança e de suas famílias
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Martins, Gabriel Testa
Sampaio, Celso Aparecido
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Desde a última década, o número de crianças diagnosticadas com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e transtornos de aprendizagem têm aumentando significativamente no Brasil. Dados recentes publicados pelo Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Centro de Controle de Prevenção e Doenças dos Estados Unidos da América) apontam que há uma prevalência de casos de autismo de 27,6 casos a cada mil crianças, de modo a refletir a proporção de uma a cada 36 pessoas diagnosticadas com TEA (Transtorno do Espectro Autista). Embora não existam respostas para o aumento de casos de pessoas diagnosticadas com autismo, especialistas acreditam que a principal explicação seja a maior conscientização sobre o tema e a difusão de notícias e campanhas de saúde realizadas no período estudado. Através dos dados apresentados e do entendimento de que uma parcela significativa da população da cidade de Jundiaí, localizada no interior do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, apresenta este tipo de transtorno, usando como referências dados de pesquisas que se referem à população brasileira no âmbito nacional, entende-se como benéfica para a cidade a criação de um centro de tratamento público que auxiliará estas crianças no seu desenvolvimento, bem como suas famílias. A proposta é criar um centro de tratamento para 250 crianças neurodivergentes, diagnosticadas com TEA, na região noroeste da cidade de Jundiaí, que contará com uma equipe multidisciplinar (fonoaudiólogas, psicólogas, psicopedagogas, fisioterapeutas, terapeutas ocupacionais e educadores físicos), além de espaços de lazer seguros para a interação entre as crianças e adolescentes autistas e neurotípicas, bem como de suas famílias.
Since the last decade, the number of children diagnosed with global developmental disorders and learning disorders has significantly increased in Brazil. Recent data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) point to a prevalence of autism cases of 27.6 cases per thousand children, reflecting the ratio of one in every 36 people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Although there are no answers for the increase in autism cases, experts believe that the main explanation is the greater awareness of the subject and the dissemination of news and health campaigns carried out during the studied period. Through the presented data and the understanding that a significant portion of the population of the city of Jundiaí, located in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, presents this type of disorder, using research data referring to the Brazilian population at the national level, it is understood as benefical for the city to create a public treatment center that will assist these children in their development, as well as their families. The proposal is to create a treatment center for 250 neurodivergent children diagnosed with ASD in the northwest region of the city of Jundiaí, which will have a multidisciplinary team (such as therapists, psychologists, educational psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and physical educators), as well as safe leisure spaces for interaction between autistic and neurotypical children and adolescents, as well as their families.
Since the last decade, the number of children diagnosed with global developmental disorders and learning disorders has significantly increased in Brazil. Recent data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) point to a prevalence of autism cases of 27.6 cases per thousand children, reflecting the ratio of one in every 36 people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Although there are no answers for the increase in autism cases, experts believe that the main explanation is the greater awareness of the subject and the dissemination of news and health campaigns carried out during the studied period. Through the presented data and the understanding that a significant portion of the population of the city of Jundiaí, located in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, presents this type of disorder, using research data referring to the Brazilian population at the national level, it is understood as benefical for the city to create a public treatment center that will assist these children in their development, as well as their families. The proposal is to create a treatment center for 250 neurodivergent children diagnosed with ASD in the northwest region of the city of Jundiaí, which will have a multidisciplinary team (such as therapists, psychologists, educational psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and physical educators), as well as safe leisure spaces for interaction between autistic and neurotypical children and adolescents, as well as their families.
arquitetura , neuroarquitetura , autismo , clínica