Inteligência artificial à luz do cenário brasileiro: desafios e panorama regulatório
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Volante, Giulia Rafaela Mamoni
Porfirio Junior, Nelson de Freitas
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O presente artigo científico visa explorar os impactos da Inteligência Artificial (“IA”)
e o cenário regulatório correspondente no Brasil, destacando a importante intersecção entre
avanços tecnológicos e legislação adequada. À medida que a IA se torna uma força
transformadora em diversas esferas sociais e econômicas, surgem desafios significativos em
relação à privacidade, ética e segurança. Este estudo busca apresentar os principais desafios
enfrentados pela chegada da IA e analisa as principais propostas e posicionamentos legislativos
sobre o assunto, contextualizando-as com iniciativas internacionais exemplares como o EU AI
Act. A pesquisa evidencia a urgente necessidade de um ambiente regulatório adaptável que não
apenas acompanhe a rápida evolução da tecnologia, mas que também antecipe e mitigue os
riscos associados à implementação da IA. Ao final, a conclusão responderá se a abordagem
regulatória atual é suficiente para alinhar os avanços tecnológicos com os imperativos éticos e
legais, garantido que o desenvolvimento da IA beneficie o progresso socioeconômico, enquanto
protege indivíduos e a sociedade contra abusos potenciais.
This scientific article aims to explore the impacts of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) and the corresponding regulatory scenario in Brazil, highlighting the important intersection between technological advancements and appropriate legislation. As AI becomes a transformative force in various social and economic spheres, significant challenges arise regarding privacy, ethics, and security. This study seeks to present the main challenges posed by the arrival of AI and analyzes the main legislative proposals and positions on the subject, contextualizing them with exemplary international initiatives such as the EU AI Act. The research underscores the urgent need for an adaptable regulatory environment that not only keeps pace with the rapid evolution of technology but also anticipates and mitigates the risks associated with AI implementation. In conclusion, the paper will answer whether the current regulatory approach is sufficient to align technological advances with ethical and legal imperatives, ensuring that AI development benefits socioeconomic progress while protecting individuals and society against potential abuses.
This scientific article aims to explore the impacts of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) and the corresponding regulatory scenario in Brazil, highlighting the important intersection between technological advancements and appropriate legislation. As AI becomes a transformative force in various social and economic spheres, significant challenges arise regarding privacy, ethics, and security. This study seeks to present the main challenges posed by the arrival of AI and analyzes the main legislative proposals and positions on the subject, contextualizing them with exemplary international initiatives such as the EU AI Act. The research underscores the urgent need for an adaptable regulatory environment that not only keeps pace with the rapid evolution of technology but also anticipates and mitigates the risks associated with AI implementation. In conclusion, the paper will answer whether the current regulatory approach is sufficient to align technological advances with ethical and legal imperatives, ensuring that AI development benefits socioeconomic progress while protecting individuals and society against potential abuses.
regulamentação , inteligência artificial , direitos fundamentais , IA , regulation , artificial intelligence , fundamental rights , AI