Fashion law, trabalho escravo e responsabilidade civil - análise do mundo da moda
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Varizo, Renan André dos Reis
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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O presente trabalho objetivou analisar e expor os principais pontos acerca da prática do trabalho análogo à escravidão praticado atualmente, realizando uma análise histórica, com a identificação seus pontos principais, conceitos e desdobramentos ao longo do percurso temporal. Além disso, teve-se como escopo a análise de previsões legislativas que possuíssem interligação com a temática, servindo de base para análise e argumentações, para então se analisar quais foram as medidas tomadas e os esforços adotados na luta contra a prática dessa modalidade exploratória.
O arcabouço teórico se valeu de informações presentes tanto em livros, doutrinas, quanto em sites, para que fosse possível realizar um estudo completo, uma fundamentação analítica com embasamento suficiente para versar a respeito do tema. Em meio a tantas fontes de recursos informacionais, foi possível ter noção do nível de gravidade dessa situação e relevância no cenário atual, resistindo ao tempo e perdurando até a contemporaneidade.
É clarividente que existe uma nítida complexidade dentro da cadeia produtiva da moda e a terceirização contribui para o agravamento dessa situação, o que por sua vez estimula o cometimento de fraudes, dificuldade de fiscalização e afastamento da responsabilidade das empresas. Ainda que o cenário seja aparentemente negativo, pode-se considerar que algo tem sido feito e que o avanço existe, assim é que várias empresas foram flagradas utilizando esse tipo de mão de obra, a exemplo, a Zara.
Por fim, realizou-se um levantamento acerca das políticas públicas que já foram adotadas no combate à erradicação desse tipo de trabalho e se estas foram suficientes para que um impacto positivo fosse causado e melhorasse o cenário atual. Acerca da metodologia adotada, a bibliografia se estrutura com base na utilização de livros, doutrinas, artigos de internet, definições em sites, reportagens jornalísticas, dados estatísticos e previsões legislativas que tratassem a respeito da temática desse trabalho.
The present work aimed to analyze and expose the main points about the practice of slavery-like work practiced today, performing a historical analysis, identifying its main points, concepts and its unfolding along the temporal path. In addition, the scope of this study was to analyze legislative forecasts that were interconnected with the theme, serving as a basis for analysis and arguments and to analyze what were the measures taken, the efforts adopted in the fight against the practice of this exploratory modality. The theoretical framework drew on information from both books and doctrines, as well as websites, so that it was possible to conduct a complete study, an analytical foundation with sufficient grounding to address the subject. Amid so many sources of informational resources, it was possible to understand the level of severity of this situation and relevance in the current scenario, resisting time and lasting until contemporary times. It is clairvoyant that there is a clear complexity within the fashion production chain and outsourcing contributes to the aggravation of this situation, which in turn encourages the commission of fraud, difficulty of supervision and removal of corporate responsibility. Although the scenario is apparently negative, it can be considered that something has been done and that the advance exists, so much so that several were caught using this type of labor, such as Zara. Finally, a survey was conducted on the public policies that have already been adopted to combat the eradication of this type of work and if they were sufficient for a positive impact to be caused and improve the current scenario. About the methodology adopted, the bibliography is structured based on the use of books, doctrines, internet articles, website definitions, journalistic reports, statistical data and legislative predictions that deal with the theme of this work.
The present work aimed to analyze and expose the main points about the practice of slavery-like work practiced today, performing a historical analysis, identifying its main points, concepts and its unfolding along the temporal path. In addition, the scope of this study was to analyze legislative forecasts that were interconnected with the theme, serving as a basis for analysis and arguments and to analyze what were the measures taken, the efforts adopted in the fight against the practice of this exploratory modality. The theoretical framework drew on information from both books and doctrines, as well as websites, so that it was possible to conduct a complete study, an analytical foundation with sufficient grounding to address the subject. Amid so many sources of informational resources, it was possible to understand the level of severity of this situation and relevance in the current scenario, resisting time and lasting until contemporary times. It is clairvoyant that there is a clear complexity within the fashion production chain and outsourcing contributes to the aggravation of this situation, which in turn encourages the commission of fraud, difficulty of supervision and removal of corporate responsibility. Although the scenario is apparently negative, it can be considered that something has been done and that the advance exists, so much so that several were caught using this type of labor, such as Zara. Finally, a survey was conducted on the public policies that have already been adopted to combat the eradication of this type of work and if they were sufficient for a positive impact to be caused and improve the current scenario. About the methodology adopted, the bibliography is structured based on the use of books, doctrines, internet articles, website definitions, journalistic reports, statistical data and legislative predictions that deal with the theme of this work.
moda , mão de obra industrial , fashion law , fast fashion , escravidão , responsabilidade civil , terceirização , aplicativo moda livre , trabalho análogo à escravidão , industrial workforce , slavery , civil responsability , outsourcing , free fashion application , analogous work to slavery