Utilização do nintendo wii fit - balance board como instrumento de avaliação do equilíbrio estático

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Romano, Rosangela Guimarães
Assis, Silvana Maria Blascovi de
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Rodrigues, Graciele Massoli
Corrêa, Sônia Cavalcanti
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
The aim of this study was to evaluate the static equilibrium from the use of the Nintendo Wii Fit - Balance Board (WBB) and compare the anterior-posterior and lateral-side in children and adolescents age 7-14 years, with eyes open and closed. The subjects were 80 children and adolescents enrolled in a public school in the region of greater Sao Paulo, paired by gender and age, dichotomized at ages 7 to 10 (children) and 11-14 years (adolescents). For the collection the Balance Board (BB) and LabView software version 11.0 were used. The assessed remained in bipedal support for 60 seconds, running three measures with eyes open and closed with three measures. The results were compared to age for the two axes X and Y shift from the four sensors located at the ends of the BB. Data were analyzed using the Student t test with significance level of 95%. For statistical analysis we used the statistical software Minitab 16. The results indicated that children and adolescents in the displacements of the axes X and Y were similar in the two age groups, however, adolescents have greater variability in some measures, no statistical significance. When comparing the behavior of groups of dislocations in X and Y axes with eyes open and closed there was no significant difference, contrary to what has been pointed out by the literature, there is similarity in the oscillations with or without visual stimulation. It is concluded that the WBB could be an alternative equipment for the assessment of static balance from the adaptation of the LabView software, and that further studies should be performed so that the knowledge about the use of this equipment as a tool for assessment of balance can be expanded and applied with greater confidence in the accuracy of the data.
equilíbrio postural , avaliação , tecnologia , jogos de vídeo , criança , adolescente , balance , postural assessment , technology , video games , child , adolescent
Assuntos Scopus
ROMANO, Rosangela Guimarães. Utilização do nintendo wii fit - balance board como instrumento de avaliação do equilíbrio estático. 2012. 69 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2012.