Lei 12.846/2013: uma análise do acordo de leniência e do programa de integridade como instrumentos de combate e prevenção à corrupção
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Pereira, Anna Júlia de Oliveira
Souza, Eduardo Stevanato Pereira de
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Este estudo busca abordar a questão da corrupção no Brasil a partir de um olhar contemporâneo,
desde as preocupações e esforços dos organismos internacionais nas décadas finais do século
XX, que aportaram no Brasil em 2013 com a Lei nº 12.846, que ficou conhecida por Lei
Anticorrupção. São objetivos desta pesquisa analisar o acordo de leniência e como ele se refletiu
na criação dos programas de integridade nas empresas, e estudar as normas internacionais
contra a corrupção que se refletiram em medidas nacionais, tais como a Lei nº 12.846/2013,
que foi regulamentada pelo Decreto nº 11.129/2022 e demais instrumentos legais. Como
método, escolheu-se descrever quatro casos de acordos de leniência a fim de compreender seus
mecanismos e identificar como os programas de integridade surgem neste panorama. Buscou se entender como a doutrina, principalmente, entende o fenômeno da corrupção, as normas que
buscam combatê-la e os mecanismos processuais, a fim de minimizar os efeitos da corrupção
no erário público, punir empresas e servidores públicos. Entendeu-se que corrupção no Brasil
vê, na medida em que se fortalece o sistema jurídico nacional, que o Direito Administrativo dá
passos em direção ao pensamento global de que a corrupção impede o desenvolvimento
econômico e cultural de um país e busca formas de combatê-la.
This study seeks to address the issue of corruption in Brazil from a contemporary perspective, from the concerns and efforts of international organizations in the final decades of the 20th century, which arrived in Brazil in 2013 with Law No. 12,846, which became known as the Anti-Corruption Law. The objectives of this research are to analyze the leniency agreement and how it was reflected in the creation of integrity programs in companies, and to study the international standards against corruption that were reflected in national measures, such as Law No. 12.846/2013, which was regulated by Decree No. 11.129/2022 and other legal instruments. As a method, we chose to describe four cases of leniency agreements in order to understand their mechanisms and identify how integrity programs emerge in this panorama. We sought to understand how the doctrine, in particular, understands the phenomenon of corruption, the rules that seek to combat it and the procedural mechanisms, in order to minimize the effects of corruption on the public purse, punish companies and public servants. It was understood that corruption in Brazil is seen, as the national legal system is strengthened, as Administrative Law takes steps towards the global thought that corruption impedes the economic and cultural development of a country and seeks ways to combat it.
This study seeks to address the issue of corruption in Brazil from a contemporary perspective, from the concerns and efforts of international organizations in the final decades of the 20th century, which arrived in Brazil in 2013 with Law No. 12,846, which became known as the Anti-Corruption Law. The objectives of this research are to analyze the leniency agreement and how it was reflected in the creation of integrity programs in companies, and to study the international standards against corruption that were reflected in national measures, such as Law No. 12.846/2013, which was regulated by Decree No. 11.129/2022 and other legal instruments. As a method, we chose to describe four cases of leniency agreements in order to understand their mechanisms and identify how integrity programs emerge in this panorama. We sought to understand how the doctrine, in particular, understands the phenomenon of corruption, the rules that seek to combat it and the procedural mechanisms, in order to minimize the effects of corruption on the public purse, punish companies and public servants. It was understood that corruption in Brazil is seen, as the national legal system is strengthened, as Administrative Law takes steps towards the global thought that corruption impedes the economic and cultural development of a country and seeks ways to combat it.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
lei anticorrupção , decreto nº 11.129/2022 , delação premiada , compliance , anti-corruption law , decree No. 11,129/2022 , plea bargain