Análise da lei nº 13.968/2019 – artigo 122 do código penal – instigação, induzimento e auxílio ao suicídio ou à automutilação
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Ackermann, Ary Katz
Capano, Evandro Fabiani
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Este artigo visa estabelecer uma análise detalhada sobre a nova Lei nº 13.968/2019, que altera o Código Penal, no sentido de modificar o crime de incitação ao suicídio e de incluir as condutas de induzir ou instigar a automutilação, bem como a de prestar auxílio a quem a pratique em seu âmbito prático e teórico, tendo em vista desde a ideia inicial do legislador na produção do Projeto de Lei, passando por sua sanção e até sua aplicação atualmente. Também visa analisar como os casos práticos que poderão ocorrer futuramente serão julgados e no que poderão acarretar para o ordenamento jurídico, ou seja, suas possíveis consequências para os agentes que forem denunciados no crime previsto no Artigo 122 do Código Penal. Por fim, também deseja realizar uma crítica construtiva à lei supracitada, analisando se as majorantes e a pena cominada em abstrato estão devidamente impostas ou se são deveras rígidas para o crime que está sendo cometido.
This article aims to establish a detailed analysis of the new Law no. 13,968/2019, which amends the Criminal Code in order to modify the crime of incitement to suicide and to include the conducts of inducing or instigating self-mutilation, as well as that of providing assistance to those who practice it in its practical and theoretical scope, taking into account from the initial idea of the legislator in the production of the Bill, through its sanction and up to its application today. It also aims to analyze how the practical cases that may occur in the future will be judged and what they may entail for the legal system, that is, their possible consequences for agents who are accused of the crime foreseen in Article 122 of the Penal Code. Finally, it also wishes to make a constructive criticism of the above-mentioned law, analyzing whether the increases and the penalty imposed in the abstract are properly imposed or whether they are too rigid for the crime that is being committed.
This article aims to establish a detailed analysis of the new Law no. 13,968/2019, which amends the Criminal Code in order to modify the crime of incitement to suicide and to include the conducts of inducing or instigating self-mutilation, as well as that of providing assistance to those who practice it in its practical and theoretical scope, taking into account from the initial idea of the legislator in the production of the Bill, through its sanction and up to its application today. It also aims to analyze how the practical cases that may occur in the future will be judged and what they may entail for the legal system, that is, their possible consequences for agents who are accused of the crime foreseen in Article 122 of the Penal Code. Finally, it also wishes to make a constructive criticism of the above-mentioned law, analyzing whether the increases and the penalty imposed in the abstract are properly imposed or whether they are too rigid for the crime that is being committed.
instigação , suicídio , automutilação , auxílio , instigation , suicide , self-harm , support