Os efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 na população travesti e transexual feminina brasileira: um estudo sobre marginalização e abandono
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David, Luiza Altieri
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo abordar a situação de vida da população travesti e transexual feminina brasileira nos momentos pré, durante e pós pandemia da Covid-19. Para tanto, inicialmente são apresentados conceitos iniciais de termos como “identidade de gênero”, “travestis” e “transexuais”, além de contextualizar a vivência dessas pessoas na sociedade pré-pandemia. São levantados comentários e questionamentos acerca da falta de dados sobre essa população, além de fazer breve síntese de como o governo Jair Bolsonaro lidou e ainda lida com as necessidades desse grupo. Após, adentramos questões específicas sobre como a maior pandemia deste século influenciou a vida dessas mulheres no que diz respeito à saúde, mercado de trabalho e violência. Para tanto, são apresentados dados obtidos através de relatórios, mapeamentos, dossiês, reportagens e relatos de travestis e pessoas trans que expõem situações vivenciadas em seus cotidianos marcados pelo medo, insegurança e abandono.
This article aims to address the life situation of the “travestis” and transexual women from Brazil before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. It begins by conceptualizing some terms that will be used during this paper, such as “gender identity”, “travesti” and “transsexuals”, so that there is a better understanding of the subject. Afterwards, the life situation of these people, mainly trans women and “travestis”, will be discussed in a pre-pandemic context so there is a better understanding on how this group used to live before the Coronavirus spreading in Brazil. After that, the article will analyze how Jair Bolsonaro’s government dealt with the issue of trans people before and during his term as Brazil’s President. Then, the article will focus on the pandemic and verify if its arrival had an impact in the lives of trans and “travestis” people in terms of health, violence and job market. At its end, this study will analyze this group's future perspective and check the scars left in this population after the pandemics end.
This article aims to address the life situation of the “travestis” and transexual women from Brazil before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. It begins by conceptualizing some terms that will be used during this paper, such as “gender identity”, “travesti” and “transsexuals”, so that there is a better understanding of the subject. Afterwards, the life situation of these people, mainly trans women and “travestis”, will be discussed in a pre-pandemic context so there is a better understanding on how this group used to live before the Coronavirus spreading in Brazil. After that, the article will analyze how Jair Bolsonaro’s government dealt with the issue of trans people before and during his term as Brazil’s President. Then, the article will focus on the pandemic and verify if its arrival had an impact in the lives of trans and “travestis” people in terms of health, violence and job market. At its end, this study will analyze this group's future perspective and check the scars left in this population after the pandemics end.
pandemia , transexuais , pandemic , transsexuals , Covid-19