O coordenador pedagógico e a ação docente: contribuições de uma política pública de desenvolvimento profissional no local de trabalho

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Ferreira, Nilza Donizetti Dias
Mizukami, Maria da Graça Nicoletti
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Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
Pagotto, Maria Dalva Silva
Tancredi, Regina Maria Simões Puccinelli
Oliveira, Rosa Maria Moraes Anunciato de
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The public policy of widespread in-service training in recent years involving politicians of Education, teachers and trainers, has been the subject of increasing theoretical production, promoting debates, analysis, proposals and investment of education systems more frequently in training teachers on the workplace. This research seeks to understand the contributions of public policy on professional development in the workplace for pedagogical coordinators and teachers. Therefore, the methodological option chosen was the qualitative approach obtaining descriptive data with direct and prolonged contact in the field of research, enabling the identification of perspectives and understanding of the formative experiences of the participants in the process that involves the public policy training. Study subjects are coordinators, teachers from ten Elementary schools and trainers from the municipal council of the city of Caieiras. To collect data, the methods used were; interviews, questionnaires, observation and document analysis of service training developed with coordinators and teachers. The theoretical framework involves four themes that interact with each other as they discuss issues such as the pedagogical coordinator, on the view that teacher education is his/her essential function as a trainer before the numerous duties of his position as point Almeida (2007) Clementi (2007), Christov (2001), Ferreira (2011) and Guimarães et al 2008; training in service as a public policy under Law of Guidelines and Basis of National Education (1996), in Reference to training teachers (1999) and the Catalog of National Network of Continuing Education for Teachers of Basic Education (2006), considering its course of action on legislation supported by Benachio Placco (2012), Christov (1998), Imbernon (2004) and Mizukami (2005 and 2006); significant contributions to the learning of teachers and reflection of teaching practice as formative action, according Mizukami et al (1996 and 2002), Nóvoa (2009) and Tardif (2002), and the professional development of teaching, and its process models , according to Marcelo Garcia (1999). The results showed significant contributions of public policy of professional development, indicating some potential formative processes in the workplace and opportunities for discussion and further research in expanding knowledge in this line of investigation.
formação de professores , formação em serviço , coordenador pedagógico , aprendizagem da docência , desenvolvimento profissional da docência , teacher s learning , in-service training , pedagogical coordinator , professional development
Assuntos Scopus
FERREIRA, Nilza Donizetti Dias. O coordenador pedagógico e a ação docente: contribuições de uma política pública de desenvolvimento profissional no local de trabalho. 2013. 217 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação, Arte e História) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2013.