Limitação da coisa julgada no direito tributário, especialmente sob a ótica dos temas Nºs 881 e 885/STF
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Araujo, Pedro Nabuco de
Zocratto, Sérgio de Souza
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Este artigo objetiva investigar os limites da coisa julgada no âmbito do direito tributário, analisando as limitações previstas nos Códigos de Processo Civil de 1973 e 2015, e os posicionamentos já emanados pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal e pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça, para, então, examinar os Temas de Repercussão Geral nºs 881 e 885, nos quais o STF decidirá acerca do rompimento da coisa julgada em casos de pronunciamento posterior em sentido contrário emanado pelo STF em controle de constitucionalidade concentrado ou difuso proferido em sede de repercussão geral. Por fim, em razão da existência de meios processuais para desfazer a coisa julgada, e do prestígio ao instituto da coisa julgada e da segurança jurídica, conclui-se pela oposição a maioria já formada pela Suprema Corte, que entende pelo rompimento automático da res judicata nos referidos casos.
This article aims to investigate the limits of the res judicata within the scope of tax law, analyzing the limitations provided for in the Civil Procedural Codes of 1973 and 2015, and the positions already issued by the Federal Supreme Court and by the Superior Court of Justice, in order to then examine the General Repercussion Issues No. 881 and 885, in which the STF will decide about the rupture of res judicata in cases of subsequent pronouncement in contrary sense issued by the STF in concentrated constitutionality control or diffuse rendered in general repercussion. Finally, due to the existence of procedural means to undo the res judicata, and the prestige of the institute of res judicata and legal security, the current study concludes by opposing the majority already formed by the Supreme Court, which understands by the automatic rupture of the res judicata in such cases.
This article aims to investigate the limits of the res judicata within the scope of tax law, analyzing the limitations provided for in the Civil Procedural Codes of 1973 and 2015, and the positions already issued by the Federal Supreme Court and by the Superior Court of Justice, in order to then examine the General Repercussion Issues No. 881 and 885, in which the STF will decide about the rupture of res judicata in cases of subsequent pronouncement in contrary sense issued by the STF in concentrated constitutionality control or diffuse rendered in general repercussion. Finally, due to the existence of procedural means to undo the res judicata, and the prestige of the institute of res judicata and legal security, the current study concludes by opposing the majority already formed by the Supreme Court, which understands by the automatic rupture of the res judicata in such cases.
coisa julgada , repercussão geral , temas nº 881 e 885 , res judicata , general repercussion , themes nº 881 and 885