Comparação de algoritmos de machine learning para prever sepse em pacientes
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Cesário, Henrique Dias
Menezes, Mário Olímpio de
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Esse estudo mostra resultados e considerações feitas ao tentar
prever sepse com o uso de algoritmos de machine learning de random forest,
gradiente boosting e logistic regression usando apenas os parâmetros do
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA), com o banco de dados do
MIMIC-III e em seguida comparar os resultados com os de outras pesquisas de
machine learning para sepse. Essas três técnicas tiveram um AUROC de 0.76,
0.74 e 0.63 respectivamente, mostrando que é possível chegar a resultados até
que favoráveis usando apenas valores do SOFA, porém ao comparar com outros
de outras pesquisas que não se limitaram apenas aos parâmetros do SOFA,
utilizando mais variáveis no aprendizado de maquina para prever é possível obter
resultados ainda melhores aos quais foram alcançados nessa pesquisa.
On this study is shown the results and considerations when trying to predict sepsis using machine learning with random forest, gradient boosting and logistic regression techniques with only variables used for the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, with the MIMIC-III dataset and comparing the results with other works that try to predict sepsis also using machine learning. Those three techniques arrived at an AUROC of 0.76, 0.74 and 0.63 respectively, showing that it is somehow acceptable trying to predict sepsis using only the SOFA variables but when comparing with other works that did not limit with only the SOFA variables for prediction it becomes clear that it is possible to obtain even better results than the ones accomplished in this research.
On this study is shown the results and considerations when trying to predict sepsis using machine learning with random forest, gradient boosting and logistic regression techniques with only variables used for the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, with the MIMIC-III dataset and comparing the results with other works that try to predict sepsis also using machine learning. Those three techniques arrived at an AUROC of 0.76, 0.74 and 0.63 respectively, showing that it is somehow acceptable trying to predict sepsis using only the SOFA variables but when comparing with other works that did not limit with only the SOFA variables for prediction it becomes clear that it is possible to obtain even better results than the ones accomplished in this research.
banco de dados do MIMIC-III , machine learning para sepse , algoritmos