Análise do julgamento do caso “boate kiss” no tribunal do júri: a necessidade de desclassificação do dolo eventual imputado aos sentenciados
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Woisky, Daniela Micheloni
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar a errônea classificação de homicídio doloso, com dolo eventual, no âmbito do julgamento do caso “Boate Kiss” no Tribunal do Júri de Porto Alegre/RS. A análise do caso teve como escopo os debates orais no Tribunal, para entender quais foram os quesitos trazidos tanto pela acusação quanto pela defesa. Assim, serão abordadas as lições doutrinárias de Direito Penal que descrevem o fato punível e, na medida de sua culpabilidade, para que seja possível considerar a desclassificação do crime de homicídio doloso, com dolo eventual para homicídio culposo, com culpa consciente e a necessidade de julgamento por juízo singular de Vara Comum. Ainda, para embasar as menções doutrinárias, serão apresentados julgados proferidos pela Corte Superior de Justiça e o entendimento jurisprudencial acerca das modalidades culposas.
The present work aims to demonstrate the erroneous atribution of murder, as a wilful misconduct, in the scope of the "Boate Kiss" trial held in the Jury Court of Porto Alegre/RS. The approach to the case focus on the Court’s oral debates, in order to understand which were the questions posed to the jury by both the prosecution and the defense. Thus, the Criminal Law legal writings from respected Brazilian jurists are adressed to support the description of the punishable fact, so we can discuss the extent of the guilty mind, considering the hypothesis of declassification of intentional homicide (murder), based on the previous knowledge to eventually achievieng a manslaughter, to downgrading the crime to involuntary manslaughter, derived from a reckless conduct without “malice aforethought”, which would demand not a Jury Trial but only a single judgment by a regular Criminal Court Trial. Still, to support the legal commentaries, judgments handed down by the Superior Court of Justice and the jurisprudential understanding about the guilty mind (mens rea) are presented.
The present work aims to demonstrate the erroneous atribution of murder, as a wilful misconduct, in the scope of the "Boate Kiss" trial held in the Jury Court of Porto Alegre/RS. The approach to the case focus on the Court’s oral debates, in order to understand which were the questions posed to the jury by both the prosecution and the defense. Thus, the Criminal Law legal writings from respected Brazilian jurists are adressed to support the description of the punishable fact, so we can discuss the extent of the guilty mind, considering the hypothesis of declassification of intentional homicide (murder), based on the previous knowledge to eventually achievieng a manslaughter, to downgrading the crime to involuntary manslaughter, derived from a reckless conduct without “malice aforethought”, which would demand not a Jury Trial but only a single judgment by a regular Criminal Court Trial. Still, to support the legal commentaries, judgments handed down by the Superior Court of Justice and the jurisprudential understanding about the guilty mind (mens rea) are presented.
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boate kiss , dolo eventual , culpa consciente , kiss nightclub , knowing the violation of law , involuntary manslaughter