Análise da cobertura da Folha de S. Paulo sobre a reforma trabalhista sob a perspectiva da Escola Austríaca de Economia
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Godoy, Andre Bortoletto de
Santoro, André Cioli Taborda
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A presente monografia trata-se de uma análise e crítica da cobertura
jornalística sobre a reformas Trabalhista sob a ótica da Escola Austríaca Econômica.
O principal objetivo do trabalho é identificar pontos da cobertura midiática em
dissonância com a visão da Escola Austríaca das questões político-econômicas,
prosseguindo a mostrar como os dilemas mais recorrentes a respeito das reformas
seriam observados partindo-se da visão desta escola de pensamento liberal e
heterodoxa. A monografia também visa, neste diálogo, avaliar a qualidade da prática
jornalística brasileira, especialmente no tocante à pluralidade de vozes nas matérias
e editoriais. Outro objetivo secundário é fazer uma crítica às tendências ideológicas
no jornalismo econômico que podem comprometer a cobertura de eventos tão cruciais
para o país como as reformas. Para que sejam alcançados estes objetivos, é adotado
o método de análise de conteúdo, o qual, segundo Laurence Bardin, permite uma
análise que pode tanto enriquecer o processo de descoberta, por meio da busca pela
objetividade, quanto permitir confirmações e infirmações por meio da sistematização
da análise.
This monography is both an analysis and a critique of the media’s coverage of the 2017 Labor Reform under the optics of the Austrian School of Economics. Its main goal is to identify points of view in disagreement with the Austrian view of political economic matters, proceeding to demonstrate how these dilemmas over the Reform would be observed using this heterodox libertarian school of thought’s points of view. The monography also aims, in this dialogue, to evaluate the quality of the Brazilian journalistic practice, especially regarding the plurality of voices found in articles and editorials. Another secondary objective is to provide criticism to the ideological tendencies on economic journalism that might muddle the coverage of such important happenings to the country’s future. In order to reach these goals, the content analysis method was adopted, a process which, according to Laurence Bardin, allows for an analysis that can both enrich the discovery process, through the search for objectivity, and allow for confirmations and invalidations through the systematization of the analysis.
This monography is both an analysis and a critique of the media’s coverage of the 2017 Labor Reform under the optics of the Austrian School of Economics. Its main goal is to identify points of view in disagreement with the Austrian view of political economic matters, proceeding to demonstrate how these dilemmas over the Reform would be observed using this heterodox libertarian school of thought’s points of view. The monography also aims, in this dialogue, to evaluate the quality of the Brazilian journalistic practice, especially regarding the plurality of voices found in articles and editorials. Another secondary objective is to provide criticism to the ideological tendencies on economic journalism that might muddle the coverage of such important happenings to the country’s future. In order to reach these goals, the content analysis method was adopted, a process which, according to Laurence Bardin, allows for an analysis that can both enrich the discovery process, through the search for objectivity, and allow for confirmations and invalidations through the systematization of the analysis.
reforma trabalhista , Folha de S. Paulo , Escola Austríaca de Economia , jornalismo econômico , labor reform , Folha de S. Paulo , Austrian School of Economics , economic journalism