Vínculo empregatício dos trabalhadores em plataformas digitais: impactos socioeconômicos e subordinação algorítmica
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Buzzo, Gabriela Vilela
Cavalcante, Jouberto de Quadros Pessoa
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir a existência de vínculo empregatício
dos trabalhadores de plataformas digitais, em especial, entregadores de aplicativo e motoristas
da Uber, a partir do requisito da subordinação, através da Doutrina e Jurisprudência ao mesmo
tempo que busca elucidar e investigar as questões socioeconômicas advindas da tendência
mundial de uberização do trabalho em meio à economia do compartilhamento. Além disso,
apresentar como o Mundo está reagindo frente ao novo modelo de trabalho intermediado pelas
plataformas digitais.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the existence of an employment bond for digital platform workers, in particular, application deliverers and Uber drivers, based on the requirement of subordination, through Doctrine and Jurisprudence, while seeking to elucidate and investigate the socioeconomic issues arising from worldwide trend of work uberization in the midst of the sharing economy. In addition, to present how the world is reacting to the new model of work intermediated by digital platforms.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the existence of an employment bond for digital platform workers, in particular, application deliverers and Uber drivers, based on the requirement of subordination, through Doctrine and Jurisprudence, while seeking to elucidate and investigate the socioeconomic issues arising from worldwide trend of work uberization in the midst of the sharing economy. In addition, to present how the world is reacting to the new model of work intermediated by digital platforms.
economia compartilhada , uberização , plataformas digitais , vínculo empregatício , sharing economy , uberization , digital platforms , working bond