Análise crítica ao corpo de jurados do tribunal do júri: inaptidão dos jurados leigos e a falta de fundamentação nas decisões proferidas pelos jurados
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Furlanetto, Sarah Cristina
Zanella, Everton Luiz
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar de forma crítica o Tribunal do Júri aos jurados leigos que compõem o Conselho de Sentença, assim como sua inaptidão para julgar crimes hediondos devido à falta de conhecimento técnico-jurídico, bem como a ausência de fundamentação das decisões proferidas pelos jurados. Também é objetivo do trabalho apresentar a visão que a sociedade tem do Tribunal do Júri diante de algumas problemáticas, como: a falta de conhecimento da sociedade sobre a instituição, a falta de interesse na participação, as influências psicológicas e da mídia que interferem nos veredictos. A abordagem do trabalho foi baseada no método dedutivo, uma vez que são apresentados desde a origem histórica e principiológica do Tribunal do Júri até os dias atuais, acentuando as críticas feitas à instituição, bem como ao princípio da soberania dos veredictos, culminando em possíveis soluções para a resolução dessas críticas. O trabalho foi segmentado em três capítulos: no primeiro foi apresentada uma breve análise conceitual e histórica do Tribunal do Júri, bem como foi feita uma análise da legislação brasileira comparando-as com as legislações estrangeiras; no segundo capítulo, foi apresentada uma crítica acerca dos jurados leigos, em razão da ausência de conhecimento técnico-jurídico, além da falta de motivação nas decisões proferidas pelo Conselho. No terceiro capítulo foi abordada uma visão da sociedade perante o Tribunal do Júri.
The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the jury's Tribunal to the lay jurors that make up the Sentencing Council, as well as their inability to judge heinous crimes due to lack of technical-legal knowledge, as well as the lack of grounds for the decisions made by the jurors. It is also the objective of the paper to present society's vision of the Jury's Court in face of some problems, such as: society's lack of knowledge about the institution, lack of interest in participation, psychological and media influences that interfere with the verdicts. The approach of the paper was based on the deductive method, since they are presented from the historical and principiological origin of the Jury's Court to the present day, emphasizing the criticism made to the institution, as well as to the principle of sovereignty of the verdicts, culminating in possible solutions for the resolution of these criticisms. The paper was segmented in three chapters: in the first one, a brief conceptual and historical analysis of the Jury Court was presented, as well as an analysis of Brazilian legislation comparing it with foreign legislation; in the second chapter, a critique of lay jurors was presented, due to the absence of technical-legal knowledge, besides the lack of motivation in the decisions made by the Council. In the third chapter a vision of society before the Jury's Court was discussed.
The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the jury's Tribunal to the lay jurors that make up the Sentencing Council, as well as their inability to judge heinous crimes due to lack of technical-legal knowledge, as well as the lack of grounds for the decisions made by the jurors. It is also the objective of the paper to present society's vision of the Jury's Court in face of some problems, such as: society's lack of knowledge about the institution, lack of interest in participation, psychological and media influences that interfere with the verdicts. The approach of the paper was based on the deductive method, since they are presented from the historical and principiological origin of the Jury's Court to the present day, emphasizing the criticism made to the institution, as well as to the principle of sovereignty of the verdicts, culminating in possible solutions for the resolution of these criticisms. The paper was segmented in three chapters: in the first one, a brief conceptual and historical analysis of the Jury Court was presented, as well as an analysis of Brazilian legislation comparing it with foreign legislation; in the second chapter, a critique of lay jurors was presented, due to the absence of technical-legal knowledge, besides the lack of motivation in the decisions made by the Council. In the third chapter a vision of society before the Jury's Court was discussed.
crítica , direito processual penal , jurados , princípios constitucionais , constitutional principles , criminal procedural law , critiscim , jury tribunal