Do arrolamento fiscal de bens e a indevida responsabilização dos sócios-gerentes à luz do art. 135 do CTN: uma análise jurisprudencial do TRF3
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Santos, Sarah Birenbaim dos
Takano, Caio Augusto
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo tem como objetivo dar visibilidade aos abusos perpetrados pelo Fisco e à omissão do judiciário em restringir e coibir a utilização indevida e arbitrária do arrolamento de bens, de modo a salvaguardar os direitos dos sócios-gerentes. Busca-se questionar e repensar a onerosidade trazida pelo arrolamento de bens ao contribuinte, em especial sob o enfoque da responsabilidade solidária dos sócios em relação às dívidas tributárias do devedor principal. Assim, espera-se compreender como é feita a utilização do arrolamento de bens como uma sanção política para forçar o pagamento do crédito tributário. Por fim, a omissão do judiciário será abordada através da análise da jurisprudência do Tribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região sobre o tema.
This article intends to give visibility to the abuses perpetrated by the Federal Revenue and the failure of the judiciary to restrict and prevent an improper and arbitrary use of the listing of assets, in order to safeguard the rights of managing partners. The purpose is to question and rethink the burden brought by the listing of assets to the taxpayer, especially from the perspective of the joint liability of the managing partners in relation to the tax debts of the main debtor. Thus, it is expected to reach a better understanding on how the listing of assets is used as a political sanction to force the payment of tax credits. Finally, the omission of the judiciary will be addressed through the analysis of São Paulo’s Federal Regional Court’s case law on the subject.
This article intends to give visibility to the abuses perpetrated by the Federal Revenue and the failure of the judiciary to restrict and prevent an improper and arbitrary use of the listing of assets, in order to safeguard the rights of managing partners. The purpose is to question and rethink the burden brought by the listing of assets to the taxpayer, especially from the perspective of the joint liability of the managing partners in relation to the tax debts of the main debtor. Thus, it is expected to reach a better understanding on how the listing of assets is used as a political sanction to force the payment of tax credits. Finally, the omission of the judiciary will be addressed through the analysis of São Paulo’s Federal Regional Court’s case law on the subject.
arrolamento fiscal , responsabilidade solidária , crédito tributário , sócios gerentes , listing of assets , joint liability , tax debt , magaging partners