Autoalienação parental (ou alienação autoinfligida) como consequência do divórcio entre genitores
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Podgaec, Giulia
Scalquette, Ana Cláudia Silva
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Por meio de breve análise da constituição de famílias e nascimento de filhos após celebração de casamento, propõe-se compreender como a dissolução do casamento pode provocar alterações na dinâmica das relações paterno-filiais e dar lugar à autoalienação parental, também conhecida como alienação autoinfligida, esta que consiste na prática de comportamentos abusivos, predominantemente psicológicos, por meio dos quais o genitor que alega ser alienado é, na realidade, o responsável por se afastar de seus filhos. Nesse sentido, é possível afirmar que este trabalho tem por escopo traçar um paralelo entre a ruptura da sociedade e do vínculo conjugal entre os genitores e a autoalienação parental, a fim de identificar e expor os principais elementos intrínsecos a essa prática que, embora seja menos discutida que a alienação parental, igualmente provoca lesões aos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes envolvidos na situação de conflito familiar. Além disso, este trabalho elucidará medidas judiciais inibidoras da prática, tanto na esfera extrajudicial quanto na esfera judicial, esta que, inclusive, contempla a possibilidade responsabilização civil dos autoalienadores.
Through a brief analysis of the constitution of families and the birth of children after the celebration of marriage, it is proposed to understand how the dissolution of marriages can cause changes in the dynamics of paternal-filial relationships and give rise to parental self-alienation, also known as self-inflicted alienation, which consists of the practice of abusive behaviors, predominantly psychological, through which the parent who claims to be alienated is, in fact, responsible for moving away from their children. In this sense, it is possible to affirm that this work aims to draw a parallel between the rupture of the marital bond between the parents and the practice of parental self-alienation, in order to identify and expose the main intrinsic elements to this practice that, although it is less It is discussed that parental alienation also causes damage to the rights of children and adolescents involved in the situation of family conflict. In addition, this work will elucidate judicial measures that inhibit the practice, both in the extrajudicial and judicial spheres, which even contemplates the possibility of civil liability of self-alienators.
Through a brief analysis of the constitution of families and the birth of children after the celebration of marriage, it is proposed to understand how the dissolution of marriages can cause changes in the dynamics of paternal-filial relationships and give rise to parental self-alienation, also known as self-inflicted alienation, which consists of the practice of abusive behaviors, predominantly psychological, through which the parent who claims to be alienated is, in fact, responsible for moving away from their children. In this sense, it is possible to affirm that this work aims to draw a parallel between the rupture of the marital bond between the parents and the practice of parental self-alienation, in order to identify and expose the main intrinsic elements to this practice that, although it is less It is discussed that parental alienation also causes damage to the rights of children and adolescents involved in the situation of family conflict. In addition, this work will elucidate judicial measures that inhibit the practice, both in the extrajudicial and judicial spheres, which even contemplates the possibility of civil liability of self-alienators.
família , casamento , poder familiar , divórcio , family , wedding , family power , divorce