A efetividade dos direitos sociais e o direito à greve: investigação dos impactos da inconstitucionalidade alegada do artigo 9º da Constituição Federal e os conflitos da lei nº 7.783/89 sobre a faculdade dos direitos sociais, sobretudo o direito à greve
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Braggio, Guilherme Prado
Afonso, Túlio Augusto Tayano
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo central o estudo do direito constitucional a greve, garantido
pela Constituição Federal a todo trabalhador brasileiro, bem como se esse direito pode ser
limitado/restringido, passando a entender se tais limitações ou restrições são ilegais ou
inconstitucionais. A legislação brasileira prevê que, em casos de greves realizadas por
servidores públicos, há a possibilidade de desconto dos dias parados em seus salários. Essa
medida tem sido alvo de debates e contestações por parte dos sindicatos e trabalhadores, que
argumentam que o desconto fere o direito constitucional de greve. Outro ponto relevante é a
diferenciação entre greve no setor privado e no setor público. Enquanto a greve no setor privado
é regulada principalmente pela Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT) e pela jurisprudência
consolidada, a greve no setor público ainda carece de uma regulamentação específica, o que
tem gerado divergências e insegurança jurídica.
The central objective of this article is to study the constitutional right to strike, guaranteed by the Federal Constitution to every Brazilian worker, as well as whether this right can be limited/restricted, understanding whether such limitations or restrictions are illegal or unconstitutional. Brazilian legislation provides that, in cases of strikes carried out by public servants, there is the possibility of deducting the days stopped from their salaries. This measure has been the subject of debate and contestation by unions and workers, who argue that the discount violates the constitutional right to strike. Another relevant point is the differentiation between strikes in the private sector and the public sector. While strikes in the private sector are mainly regulated by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) and consolidated jurisprudence, strikes in the public sector still lack specific regulation, which has generated divergences and legal uncertainty.
The central objective of this article is to study the constitutional right to strike, guaranteed by the Federal Constitution to every Brazilian worker, as well as whether this right can be limited/restricted, understanding whether such limitations or restrictions are illegal or unconstitutional. Brazilian legislation provides that, in cases of strikes carried out by public servants, there is the possibility of deducting the days stopped from their salaries. This measure has been the subject of debate and contestation by unions and workers, who argue that the discount violates the constitutional right to strike. Another relevant point is the differentiation between strikes in the private sector and the public sector. While strikes in the private sector are mainly regulated by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) and consolidated jurisprudence, strikes in the public sector still lack specific regulation, which has generated divergences and legal uncertainty.
greve , Constituição Federal , limites , serviços essenciais , strike , Federal Constitution , limits , essential services